Monday, July 31, 2006

Well It's Done

Well my Mom is all moved into the new place.  As I was moving all the stuff by myself I thought jeez I am insane to be doing this all myself.  Anyway it all went well.  My Mom was very sad to be leaving the old place and it was hard to see her that way.  However it was good since it was appropriate behavior.  It was nice that everyone came by to say goodbye to her and a few said they would visit and asked me to put them on the visitors log.  The bad was that Mom's usual sitters weren't there today.  They were suppose to be, but I don't know what happened.  I really wanted some familiar faces for her so as to minimize her agitation.

The funny stuff of the day.  When I am at U Haul this morning and I am signing all the paperwork.  The woman behind me is like you sign that like a doctor.  I told that was because I was one.  Her and her husband got a good laugh out of that one.  The classic today was when I was moving my Mom's stuff into the new place.  They were trying to move an elderly lady from one area to another.  She was like, "can't I watch the man first."  They were like sure you can.  It was priceless.

On a last note you ladies are having way to much fun with that Stripper name creater.  LOL.


Saturday, July 29, 2006

Saturday Night

Well Kat and myself agreed to be movie buddies which should be fun.  Another friend to do stuff with.  I have to admit that Starbucks Decoded which I entered a few weeks ago was dead on.  Kat liked fruity drinks and it described her.  Pretty interesting.

Anna called tonight to see if I wanted to go to the Caribbean festival, but I had to turn her down since I had to work tonight.

I want to thank Nancie for helping me with color coordinating my office furniture.  As most of you know I am partially color blind.  The funny thing I found out was the reason for my green curtains.  And here I was going to replace them cause I didn't think they went.  This mixing and matching colors is alien to me.  You would never know it by the way I dress.  Since at least once a year I ask someone to tell me what goes and what doesn't.  Even my son helps out with this.

Anyway I struck out trying to find anything today.  I have a few places left tomorrow so we will see.

I was going to chat up a woman tonight at the bookstore that was looking at me while I was talking to Eric.  However she zoomed out of the area when I closed in. lol.  So I just let it go at that.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Avoiding the Trap

K emailed me and thanked me for the drink.  Gut wise it felt like a feeler to see where I stood.  Here's the trap.  Do I fall into does she like me or not?  Honestly it doesn't matter.  I know I have to act instead of react to people.  Checking the pro and con list in my head there is mostly con.  I know in the past I can over look this when I am reacting cause I am just going off of "Oh she likes me".  I learned that lesson.  Took a few moments of thought.  So I left it as if she wants a movie buddy I'd be happy to get it together.  I know it is trouble for me to go beyond friends.

After Date News

Well I almost thought K wasn't going to show.  However she got stuck at the tricky light in front of our town center which can keep you there forever.

She was a nice person.  However I think it would be more of a friendship than anything else.  I don't think I was what she was looking for, but trying to figure that out is just nuts.  On my end a less active person than I like.  There is something there that I don't connect with although at the moment I can't put my finger on it.  Take some time for me to think it over and sense it is over I can think all I want.  LOL! 

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Man is it slow. I'm running a newspaper ad next week to hopefully kick some life back into the business.  I hate it when it is this slow.

Well 2 years ago today my ex and I officially split.  It's weird it seems so long ago yet things from last summer feel just like yesterday.  Happy to say life is a lot better than it was.  The weird thing is that for all the years of stress I never had grey hairs.  No being on my own I have some.  LOL.

Well I have a date tomorrow with a woman named Kat to meet for Starbucks.  She's quirky and has a good sense of humor.  So I let you know how it goes.  It has kind of happened fast which is always good for me.  No time for me to over think it. LOL.

I set my son up for a camp for 4 hours a day for one of the weeks he is here.  It will allow him to play with kids and will give me sometime to be by myself and workout.  Something I really missed last time.  This will be helpful since he will be here 2 weeks this time. 


Well Today's the Day

Well today's the day that AOL decides to become free or not.  Cross your fingers folks.   This is due to competition with the likes of Yahoo and other free services.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Way Cool

I just got a call from the radio station I listen to.  The DJ was giving me a heads up that they were playing my request.  She also wanted to know about what I did for her scoliosis.  So we talked for a while.  So she might come in.  Wow that would be way cool.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Some Clean Wholesome Fun

You have a sexual IQ of 146

When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends.

Michael -- [adjective]: Taste like strawberries.

As it turns out, Michael is aroused by ...  Easy Bake Ovens

Michael will go to jail for ... Mooning some cops


You are fun loving and independent, and you don’t like any of your partners to get in the way of that. You enjoy having a lot of flings and short term relationships because you get bored in a long term one.
In bed you are demanding of your partner. You want to have hot sex all of the time. You also like to experiment sexually, with different positions and fantasies.
Sex matches: Aries, Leo, Libra

I don't know about all of this, but it was good for a laugh.  Here is the link for all the quizzes.  Enjoy. ;)

Tired Tuesday

Woke up early this morning and I am tired today.  Yoga was good even though Tara is on this strengthening kick.  Oh my abs.  There are getting stronger, but I do have some choice words for her while we are doing them.

My Mom has been doing a lot of gallivanting this week.  Yesterday they went down to the beach.  Today to Walmart.  I think I will need to start going in the afternoon to visit her.  LOL.  The intake manager was like I am sad to see your mom go.  I wanted to say well then forget about her paying next months rent after she is gone, but I knew that wasn't going to fly.

It's a dreary rainy day here and I know what that means.  My seniors that come on Tuesday will reschedule to a dryer day. 

Monday, July 24, 2006

Phone call

Well I called Christine tonight. I was nervous to make the call, but it went well.  Her voice didn't match up with what I thought it would.  Although I have to admit my voice guesses have never been right.  Oh well.  So we talked about 30 minutes then I called it.  Always good to leave on a high note.  Found out some more info on her that I didn't know.  It was an okay conversation.  Nothing turned me off, but no true chemistry either.  So we will see.


Woohoo!  MySpace is back up.  Yes I am bored between patients.

Monday, Monday

With Christine I think she had cold feet.  I think this is her first date since her divorce 2 years ago.  I emailed her to find out when it would be good to call her.  She sounded happy that I would call her so I will do so tonight. 

Thanks for all the comments from you ladies.  It's always rough to know where you stand with a person you have talked to but haven't gone out on a date yet.  So we'll talk tonight and I wish her a happy trip and we'll hopefully get together in a month.

Went to see my Mom this morning, but she went down with everyone to the beach. So I'll go back this afternoon. 

Bummed.  I found the perfect couch for the office only to find that it is too big.  I need a love seat instead.  It's hard since the carpet is blue to find a color match.  I may be partially color blind, but I can tell in the blue color arena.  Greens forget about it.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Christine left me a message while I was at the gym that she wasn't feeling well today and could we get together when she gets back from Germany. Bummed since I was looking forward to today, but it will have to be in another month since by the time she gets back I will have Eric visiting again.  Happy for the contact and not a blow off.  She left me her phone number to call back if I would like.  Weird.  I have a hard time talking on the phone with someone I haven't gone out with.  So I am not quite sure if I will call or just email her back.

Now what to do today?  I wasn't planning on having it free. 

Friday, July 21, 2006


Being allergic to dairy products I don't get to eat pizza that often.  Usually when someone wants to buy a pie and I get some without cheese.  Anyway a place around the corner now has a pie for $6.  Woohoo!  I can get a pie anytime I want.  Takes about 10 minutes to order as the person asks me everything under the sun to put on the pie with just the sauce.  I just want a pizza no cheese.  Well I got one for lunch today.  Yum!  It's been about a year so this was a real treat.

Not much else going on.  I signed all the papers for my Mom's new place today.  I am looking forward to her being there since I can tell it is the right place for her.  She really needs a dementia place.  I can see she is now shying away from activities where she is now.  Most likely since she can't fully participate.

Trying to keep my expectations down with my date with Christine Sunday, but since we talk everyday it is rough. 

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Slow Thursday

My Mom surprised me today by saying she was happy to see me.  It was nice to see love in her eyes for me as I did stuff for her today.  A look that has never been there before.  So it was very nice.  So we got her some new shoes today with velcro that would make closing them easier.  Hopefully the new shoes will be better on her feet.

It seems I am now just dealing with my SIL who seems to be doing all the work on their end.  No biggie. Before this I hadn't talked to my brother in 9 years and I don't mind doing it again. 

I was hoping it was going to be cooler here like yesterday, but no such luck.  My car AC is sucking up my gas at an alarming rate, but it is just way to hot not to have it on.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Starbucks Decoded

Okay I didn't write this, but it was pretty interesting since now you can decode someone by their order at Starbucks.  I think all the bases have now been covered.  LOL.  By the way I'm a chai latte kind of guy.


Whether it’s chai, iced mocha, or just a cup of Joe, the drink your date picks says tons about your potential together. How to read between the lattes.

By Kimberly Dawn Neumann

ant to grab a cup of coffee? It’s probably the most popular pickup line of all time. And now, thanks to one study, that first coffeehouse meeting can also act as a tea-leaf reading into your future together. “Today the type of coffee someone prefers really makes a social statement,” says Alan Hirsch, MD, Director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation and author of What’s Your Food Sign? “With so many choices, it’s like we now have a coffee Rorschach test to gain insight into an individual’s personality.” To prove his theory, Hirsch surveyed 18,631 men and women about their drink preferences and their personalities—and found there’s a strong correlation between the two. So the next time you’re wondering if someone you like has long-term potential for you, check out our Coffee Decoder below for the scoop.

If your date orders a black coffee…
These basic cup o’ joe types tend to be responsible, ambitious, and aggressive. Fiercely

independent, these individuals require you to work at coaxing out their romantic side in a relationship.

Most compatible with: Chai tea latte drinkers

If your date orders a café au lait…
Café au lait drinkers are veeery laid back. These tradition-seekers also find comfort in typical male/female dating roles (i.e., the man gets the check and opens the door).

Most compatible with: Mocha-flavored coffee drinkers

If your date orders a mocha-flavored coffee…
Mocha-flavored coffee drinkers are universal romantics who love to be in love. Keep in mind, though, that they can be moody and aren’t the most reliable bunch. Still, they can more than make up for it with their wonderful lovey-dovey gestures.

Most compatible with: Everyone!

If your date orders an iced mocha…
These spontaneous, seductive flirts make very captivating dates. But if a long-term

relationship is what you seek, keep in mind that their idea of “future” is probably five minutes from now.

Most compatible with: Other iced mocha drinkers

If your date orders a chai tea latte…
Often stressed and anxious, chai tea latte drinkers tend to be shy in relationships. So know that the first move might have to be yours for the making.

Most compatible with: Black coffee drinkers.

If your date orders a coffee-based Frappuccino…
Loaded with ambition, these energetic optimists give their all to everything—including dating. The only downside: They’re often guilty of over-committing themselves, and appreciate a level-headed partner who’ll remind them when to put on the brakes.

Most compatible with: Café au lait drinkers

If your date orders a tea/fruit-based Frappuccino…
These non-coffee Frappuccino drinkers are more often followers than leaders. Relationship-wise, this translates to an incredibly supportive partner who approaches life, love and work in a serious and thoughtful way.

Most compatible with: Iced mocha drinkers

Kimberly Dawn Neumann is a New York City-based writer and a grande skim 6-pump extra-hot chai latte drinker who doesn’t think she’s stressed out… just over-caffeinated.


Now Back to My Life

Well my Mom will move into the new place on the 31st.  So I made sure that her sitter services will end on that day and that a U-hall truck will be ready for me to move her stuff.  So at least there is a temporary end in sight. 

Angry with my bro since I wanted to talk to him about some of the new conditions.  He never called me back yesterday so I called again this morning.  He talked through my SIL.  I know he is not handling this all well.  I felt like telling him to suck it up since they informed me that we all needed to work together for this.  However I can't control how he responds.   Also I am grateful that I am able to handle it.  No pride in saying that, but I know there is power in saying the words.

Trying to be careful with all this stuff for her.  I need to get back to my life.  Especially business.  It's been a slow month so far and I need to work on making it better.  One of the big problems has been no new patients so far this month.  Usually I get 4 a month, but so far nothing this month.  Also with many of my patients on vacation it is way too quiet.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tuesday Night

Well it was like that old movie, "What if we had a war and no one came."  That was the way my workshop went tonight.  With the heat all my senior patients cancelled and a few other did so over the weekend.  Anyway my friend Anna stopped by to give me support so I did the presentation for her.  Then we went out for burritos afterwards.

Right now I am waiting for my Mom's doctor to stop by the office with her paperwork.  I need to talk to my brother afterwards.  The new place wants us to start paying right away since they have another person for the room.  Paying for 2 places for a month and a half, plus a sitter for a few more weeks .  It's way too expensive and my mother's money is running out real fast.  So we have to decide what to do.

Other than that everything else is okay.  Still loving the mattress I bought for myself a few weeks ago.  Very comfy. 

C and I have decided to go to the animal mu up by her.  It has indoor and outdoor exhibits so we will have our pick.  We both like animals and will give us something to talk about if we have any pregnant pauses.  Looking forward to meeting her, but trying to rein myself in with getting too excited.

Monday, July 17, 2006


Well one thing I learned in court this morning for collections is that I need to stop trying to make it easier for dead beats by cutting off my own nose.  I know I will never see a dime of this money and I am doing it on principle on those certain individuals that lie to me about their insurance and or give me bad checks.

Like I'm seeing in many journals this morning is that it is hot.  We are suppose to be near or over 100 for the next few days.  Whew.  Well let me get going and take my Mom to the doctor.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Whew, that was a fun day.  I started off going down to the ocean front.  Boy that water is still cool.  Not like the bay water 2 weeks ago.  It was fun to relax and walk up and down the shore.  We have a bunch of dolphins that live in the area.  I was hoping to get a picture of them swimming by, but they were way to far out today.  I tried that spray on sunscreen today and it worked well.  I haven't been putting any on since last year when I put it on myself I didn't cover all of my back and it looked like I had some weird skin disease.  My son was funny he was like dad you need to go the beach with someone who can put it on for you.  LOL. 

I picked up a small beach umbrella so that next time I go I can get some shade and stay longer down there.  My workout at the gym wasn't too strenuous since I was way to relaxed from the beach.  Anyway a pint of ice cream later found me at Starbucks relaxing and reading my book.  I did want to make today a relaxing day. ;)

It was my first time at the amphitheater here.  It was very nice.  I'm use to city life. This was different with the lawn and the trees.  I was very peaceful.  I couldn't find anyone who wasn't busy to go with so I went by myself.  It was very nice on the lawn and with the large video screens I could see everything.  My only complaint was all the smokers.  It's actually one of the reasons I left early.  Huey Lewis was great.  Chicago was okay.  Too many member changes and the music was just loud instead pleasant to listen to.  It was okay I had already gotten my $10 worth of entertainment.

Well let me get ready for bed.  I have court early in the morning trying to collect from a deadbeat patient.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Saturday Night

It was weird.  Christine asked me what I wanted to do on our date.  Besides getting to know her better I don't really care.  For me it the person not the place that makes it for me.

Had a great talk with Eric tonight.  We didn't get to talk all week due to some phone problems.  It was nice to talk and hear what is happening in his life.  Our calls are always better after we have seen each other.

Hopefully it will be a nice day tomorrow.  I would like to go down to the ocean.  It is a planned trip so I will bring everything to enjoy myself.  Then I will shoot over to see the concert.  The only thing that sucks is that I have to get up early to be in court Monday morning for collections on one of my patients.

Friday, July 14, 2006


Well Christine and I figured it would be way to hot to hike next week so we are trying to think of something inside and cooler that wasn't just sitting and drinking or eating.  Since it is the first time meeting I am looking for something local to her.  I asked her if she had anything in mind.  I might suggest the Mariners Museum since we both like old boats.  I have other things, but they are a drive from where she is. 

Hiatus Over

After a long hiatus I finally made a new entry in my other journal.


Well I guess the war continues.  K stopped in to check her mail and go to the bathroom and throw the AC up to 80 degrees before slamming the door on the way out.  LOL.  Oh well.  Talk to the massage therapist she is the one that put the temp down.

So C and I have solidified plans to go hiking on a great trail up near her a week from Sunday.  I think it will be great. Wish it wasn't so far away, but it will be good for me.  Especially since she will be going on vacation the following week.  Slows me down which is good.

Yuck.  It has been another slow week.  Summer came and the patients went away.  Well just keep pounding away at it.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Blown Off

Well J asked for my number last night to get together today.  However the call never came.  No biggy really.  Her loss.

I think my crazy neighbor is calming down.  So hopefully this journey to the twilight zone has ended.

Getting a bunch of contacts for my Mom's car so hopefully it will go fast since I hate selling cars.  What a pain in the butt.

They had a special today at the amphitheater.  $10 lawn seats for upcoming concerts.  So I got 2 for this Sunday's Chicago/Huey Lewis concert.  Tell you I just want to bring a blanket kick back and relax and listen to some music.  Not quite sure who I'll ask to go.  Little voice is saying wait to ask so I will see what comes my way.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Thinking and Musing

Well I am meeting J for Starbucks tomorrow afternoon.  Pretty casual about it since she is moving out of state in a few weeks.  However it will be fun to go out.

The following weekend I am working out plans to meet C and see how it goes.  It's an hour drive up to where she lives which is something I am not to happy about.

All of this and then I get a reply email from my college friend Peggy.  I've always liked her and we have always had fun together.  This is the first time in our friendship that neither one of us is married.  Since we started communicating again over the last month or so I always think of making it more.  What stops me?  She is 4 hours away with a practice of her own.  I have mine here and I don't want to move.  So I imagine.  I am thinking of driving out to see her in a couple of weeks to see her when she gets back from CA. 

Just my musing since it has been on my mind.

More Pics

I got  copy of the pics from the Fourth of July party at my Mom's.

Wednesday Gripe

"It's just business Sonny, nothing personal."

I was informed from my Mom's place that she needs to give 30 days notice to vacate.  They informed me that I need to move her.  Now she is stuck paying a full month rent for August also.  This reminds me of when I was moving out of an apartment after my ex and I split.  Every little thing had to have notice be given even the storage room.

Well my Mom's health aide didn't show up again today which was surprising.  Delores is really good and she is always there when scheduled.  Oh well I will run over later and take her to the doctors. 

Nothing from my whacked out neighbor today which is good.  On the business front my Mom's doctor wants to refer me some patients which would be great.

Did I Miss the Memo

Over the pass few weeks a lot of the journals I read have gone private.  Did I miss the memo?  Ususally I hear a big uproar before I see big changes in journal world.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I Think My Neighbor is a Lunatic

The title says it all.  She didn't go for the half way on the temp.  Plus she added that the temp should be 80 degrees overnight so as to not overly cool the offices.  WTF!  Anyway I come back tonight and the place is open with the lights on and the AC is down to 50 degrees.  LOL.  I think she is self medicating.  Be scared, be very, very scared.


Well finally getting my desk cleaned off.  Sending in bill payments and making calls to find out what is going on with stuff.  Pain in the ass that I let a few things lay around to far. 

It was nice to get back to yoga class this morning.  The exercise makes me feel better.  I hopefully settled my problem with my neighbor K.  I left her a not saying that 72 was to hot for my patients that exercise so I would meet her half way at 70 degrees.  I put a fan in the office to help out and we will see what happens.

For some reason my computer is possessed at the moment and Internet ads just keep popping up on Internet explorer.  Very infuriating.

Well I have 2 dates lined up in the next week. One with J who is moving out of state next month, but we have talked on and off for a while now and have never been able to get together.  So it will be fun to finally meet.  Trying to get together with C hopefully this weekend.  I know she goes to Germany on vacation at the end of the month and when she comes back Eric and my brother and family will be here so I will be too busy to meet.  I'll keep you informed.

Everyone likes that I am having my health care class next week, but so far not many people are coming.  So we will see.

I so needed to relax yesterday.  The new Pirates movie was good, but not as good as the first.  It was so awesome to come back home and have my bedroom floor empty.  To sit and relax on my bed and watch Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Life was good. :)


Well I finally got some pictures developed from last Thanksgiving to now.  A lot of the roll was messed up for some reason.  Hopefully the roll I am working on now goes better.

Sunday, July 9, 2006

Sunday Night

Well I am back from dropping Eric off.  Like always it is a long round trip, but it wasn't sad this time which was good.  Maybe we know that we will see each other next month or that is was a great week.  I really enjoyed it, but will be happy to get back to my routine.  It is somewhat stressful to add Eric in to my routine, but it is always fun to have him with me.

My ex is back from where ever she was.  I truly hate when she made Eric call me back up for the address where he stayed.  I only mailed it to her and gave it to her father already.  Eric is never going to be able to just remember the address.  I have no idea why she does this besides that she is nuts.

A little sad on the way back home tonight.  I killed a little bird.  It just sat in the road a little too long and it got clipped by my car. 

Boy was this and expensive week.  The trips I knew would be, but the laptop killed me. Then to top it all off I needed to buy a new tire.  Somehow I got a puncture on the side of my tire on the inner wheel.  How that happened I will never know unless it was intentional.

Well tomorrow I need to get the business back up and going again.  As well as get the process of moving my Mom to a new facility.  I think I will use this opportunity to get a small couch for the office.  I can get them cheap at the thrift store, but renting a truck throws off the savings.  However having the truck for my Mom will make it work. 

Will add pictures soon.

Friday, July 7, 2006

War with the Neighbor

Well I walked back into the office today and it was a little warm.  So I walked into the hall to put the AC on.  There was a note from K across the hall saying that the lower temperatures weren't acceptable and if they continued she would make a written complaint.  When I the massage therapist had a problem we talked about it.  This stuff just pisses me off.  Looking at what really pisses me off is that I am taken out of the loop like I don't exist.  Old tapes playing and I don't like it.  Nuff said.

Friday with Eric

Well it is a relaxing day today although I am uncomfortable with my neighbor now.  I know she is the one that made the complaint about Eric.  I know her and I am surprised she just didn't say something to me.  I understand her complaint.  Eric is seven, but the crying can last for at least 5 minutes and it can be loud.  So this is what I have been working with him.

The other item we have been working on is not giving up so fast.  The last few days has seen Eric with an upset stomach for a few minutes and then he just wants to go home.  So we have just been hanging afterwards and it goes and he has a great time.  So hopefully some of my tenacity will rub off on him. 

I know deep down Eric doesn't feel lovable.  He says he loves me too much.  I remember when I use to do that.  It is something else for us to work on.

Thursday, July 6, 2006

Thursday Night

Well my talk with Eric went well.  I stressed that crying wasn't bad, but there was appropriate crying responses.  I made it kid friendly.  He did well afterwards when he hurt himself and worked not to fall apart.  I was proud of him. 

It has been a slow week at the office so I need to work it next week when Eric is gone.

I need to do something with the sitter service for my Mom.  No one ever showed up Monday.  Today they scrambled at the last moment, but no one took her to get her blood work done.  Something that is very important.  So I need to talk to them tomorrow.

Well all my electronics are now working again so my life is getting back to normal.


So it is hitting me today.  Not being a physical parent then wham 24/7.  So I am needing some time to myself today, but I doubt if it will happen.  I am just not set up for that with these small irregular visits.  Also being tired since I am not use to getting up at 6:30 am anymore.  However I am still enjoying myself.

I think I will keep this new laptop and still use the other one for who knows what.  It is 3 years old and an antique compared to this one.  It will make money really tight, but I don't have faith that it will work correctly after the milk and I need it for work.

I think I will need to have the talk with Eric about the crying.  It is out of hand when he is hurt.  I will let him know that it is not right for other kids to call him "cry baby", but show him the reason it is happening and see what he wants to do with it.

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Not a Good Day

The day was going okay until my son accidentally spilled milk into my laptop.  There went my business computer.  I wasn't mad since I knew I shouldn't have given him milk while he was at the desk. He was really distraught.  Right back to 3 years old sucking his thumb and everything.  I had to set the standards again and got him out of it.  This happened several times today.  It is really delicate trying to get him to be appropriately crying and not shut the tears down which would be bad.  It will be one disaster at a time. Anyway asking around everyone told me my laptop was toast and I couldn't get it back up.  So I went down and picked up a new on on sale.  What sucks is the old one I am still paying off.  Anyway tonight I come home and the old one starts up again.  I don't know if I trust it.  So I am wondering what to do. I guess I will see how it is tomorrow. 

To top my day off I got a letter from the landlord pretty much stating that Eric is being to load in the office with the crying and playing.  I know it is just business, but at the end of the day it was a blow I didn't need it.

Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Independence Day

It has been a fun Fourth.  Treated one emergency patient.  The rest of the day Eric and I hung out and played games and watched cartoons in the morning.  In the afternoon we went down to the beach.  We figured the bay would be less crowded and it was.  It was a lot of fun.  Since I can swim Eric got to go in deeper water than he normally does which he enjoyed.  We built a sand castle and had a splash fight.  It was loads of fun.

We grabbed showers over at my Mom's place and then went down for the BBQ.  It was good.  I have to admit I enjoyed having my Mom around.  I get to enjoy her without her annoying comments.  I showed Eric old pictures of my Mom when she was young.  His face was great as he tried to put the two together.  It was interesting to hear my brother thank me very much for everything I am doing for Mom.  I got to juggle today and learned a few pointers from the performers today.  I think I might have to get some stuff to juggle.  It was a lot of fun.

Setting Standards

Eric and I are enjoying ourselves this week with errands and games.  I am seeing why sometimes Eric is called a cry baby.  Sometimes when things don't go his way he breaks into tears and starts sobbing away.  I never want to squash his tears, but get a more realistic response for his age.  So that is what I worked on yesterday with him.  After the initial outburst was that he was seven and not three.  If he wanted to keep up with the whimpering he could, but that was not how a seven year old acted.  That all the things we were doing (TV shows, games) were for seven year olds.  If he continued acting this way he wouldn't be able to do this stuff.  So after a little thought he cleaned up his act.  Hopefully it will stick.

Getting real tired of my Mom's stuff.  We went to visit her yesterday and their was no sitter with her.  Also the weekend sitter didn't do anything.  So I had to take care of this problem with them.  Also her old phone is still on and getting billed.  All small stuff, but on top of my stuff I just don't want to deal.

Sunday, July 2, 2006


Well I picked up my son yesterday, but I was so tired from the Hoochie Momma party Friday night.  (only got 4 hours sleep).  I think that might be the last of those parties since 5 cop cars were needed to break up the fights outside.

Anyway I was exhausted when I finally picked up Eric so I grabbed a room for us on the way back.  I accepted that I would rather be rested today to hang with him instead of being exhausted.  So it was a fun time.

We've had a roller coaster of doing stuff today.  Pool, basketball, baseball, and dairy queen.  It's been a lot of fun.

The downside.  I see my son has become a product of his enviroment.  Dealing with his mom will do that and I know how I was all those years.  So to see him talk in a way as not to cause problems makes me sad.  I have a funny feeling my ex in a psych hospital at the moment.  From what I can gather from my son she hasn't been around for a while.  I think that is why their has been a disruption in the phone contacts since my ex father in law is taking care of him.  Eric doesn't want to talk about it.  I told him that was okay, but I was happy to listen and nothing he would say would make me angry at him.  I had let it go except today we were playing a card game and he was losing and all of a sudden he just lost it and was crying and reverting to a 3 year old.  (he's 7).  I asked what was bothering him to try to get some angle.  He just stated the game.  I know kids have the hardest time connecting their feelings, but I worry.  No one is saying anything on my ex's side.  So we will see.