Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Meatball Surgery

*For those faint of heart I would pass on this entry.

When I got back to my office today I took a look at my toe since it was killing me to walk, but just sitting was okay.  Having to do valet tonight and running being a requisite of the job I thought of ways on how to make this happen.  Anyway on examination I found out that the bruise wasn't as big as I thought.  That most of the darkness was just blood pooled under the skin like a giant blister.  The pressure was causing the pain.  So I got out a clean razor and sliced it open and drained the blood out.  Actually most of it drained out when I put my sock back on and went out on errands.  So now I have a blood stained sock, however now their is almost no discomfort in walking and valet tonight was a snap.  Even got my W2 form so I can do my taxes.


Had one of those nights last night where I'll wake up and then go right back into the same dream.  It was about my Mom's old boyfriend Larry.  A major league asshole and all around verbal abuser.  Just like my Dad did a number on my brother Frank's teenage years, Larry did the same to mine.  I guess Mom had to keep the cycle going.  Anyway I had and still have a lot of repressed anger with him (he's dead now).  Over the years my dreams show me where I am with taking care of myself by my ability or lack of in the dream.  Well there was no 'lack off' last night.  I even woke up arguing at one point.  The most interesting thing was the last part of the dream where we went outside so I could hit him.  He pulled a sewing needle out of his shoe and pointed it at me.  It was weird I wasn't afraid of fighting, but the needle caused me to back off some.  When I awoke it hit me.  Larry was never a physically violent person, but he would needle you with the jibes and the name calling.  So it's my new assignment from my subconscious.

No Es Bueno!

Mal my female roommate was home yesterday morning and her alarm awoke me up early.  She's kind of like my ex in that she sets the alarm an hour before the time she needs to get up.  Oye.  Anyway she must have forgot to turn it off since it went off again at 7 am.  My landlord turned it off since it awoke him too.  The second alarm went off 20 minutes later. Tired I didn't see her weights on the floor and smashed my toe into it.  OMG does it hurt to walk in my sneakers.  It's not broken, but it is a nice shade of black.  Valet is going to be rough tonight.  However maybe I'll get some sympathy from Ms. Hallmark when I walk in there today, that is if she is there.  If not then it's going to have to wait till the weekend.

Oh yeah I have to give a shout out to Dee for her interpretation of Ms. Hallmark wasn't there - the Playboy wasn't behing the counter.  LMAO.  That had me rolling for quite awhile.

Monday, January 29, 2007

I'm Up and Going

Well my AIM profile is up and going.  Stop by and say hi.

Day in Review

I can't believe I forgot to go see my Mom today.  I had two extra patients call to come in, but I didn't even choose not to go.  It completely slipped my mind.  Bizarre.  I'll head over to see her tomorrow after yoga.  Hopefully she won't be to anxious with the 2 day separation. 

It was interesting.  My new friend Gina complimented me on the good quality of being family oriented.  It struck me kind of strange.  My first thought was that "not being good enough" stuff, but after some thought I found out it's doing for my Mom.  Family for me became my wife and son.  The rest of my family I liked at a distance.  Now to be complimented on my interaction with them is different and most unexpected.

Had a real fun call with Eric tonight and it was much needed.  Our calls go through their ups and downs and they have been down as of late.  Not that they have been sad, but its been a period of not much to talk about.  Tonight we had a nice 20 minute conversation.  Or down time really hit home the other day when I talked to my 3 year old niece Lucy who is coming to visit with my bro and SIL this week.  That full of energy voice was nice to hear.


Busy on a Monday who would have guessed?  I've been dead on a Monday for a long while.  Actually so long I can't remember a time.  Well that changed today and it was nice to be busy.  The balance I'm totally dead tomorrow, although the rest of the week is good.  Just keep on chugging along.

Ms. Hallmark wasn't around today as I passed by the store.  I didn't think I would have time tomorrow so I can check again then.

I won the mail lottery today.  First the mailman came in and handed me a bunch of packages, then UPS came in afterwards with a big box, and then someone else with my mail from another suite.  LOL.  Some crap, some interesting stuff, and my bike rack for my car.  Very tired of trying to squeeze it into the backseat.

To all my buddies out there remember to put your pick on the AIM page so your pic shows up on my page.  I think it's AOL's attempt at Myspace.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Black & White Dating

Talking with Maria tonight about dating and as usual she points out my over thinking it all.  Thinking about (no pun intended) it I realized I am still pretty much black and white with the asking out part of dating.  I have talked about and visualized slowing down the relationship part, however I seem to have glanced over this beginning piece.  I have been trying to take it casual, but in the back of my mind its all out or heads first and there is a lot of middle ground that I need to realize.  Like it was pointed out to me just make small talk a few times before asking.  It is usually hard for me to make small talk since I am already in "thought equals action" mode and it doesn't have to be that way.  So hopefully with realization it will be better.

I know with getting together with all these MEETin people I have been calm with no anxiety which is nice.  The thing I am finding out is that I'm no longer the introvert I was or at least most of these people are more introverted than me.  LOL.

Break Out the Air Guitar

My landlord just told me he's going away on a 10 day trip to visit family and friends.  Woohoo!  The place to mostly to myself.  I think this time I'll have to make a air guitar CD so I don't have to continue changing disc.


Tired today since I woke up way earlier than I wanted to.  Did my usual morning thing and headed out for errands.  First up was Michaels since I needed a stand for a fair I have at the end of February.  I also finished up all my St. Patrick's decorations.  Trying to stay on track with my marketing plans for the year.  July and August are still wide open with no ideas since there really isn't any holidays.  The fourth comes so early in the month and right on the tail of Father's day it doesn't really work.  The search will continue. 

I hit the gaming store since some friends want me to do a D&D game for them.  OMG it has been years, but it would be fun to do.  I was hoping they still make gaming mats, but I guess that is a thing of the past.

I hit Starbucks at the right time before the grounds rushed in. I got a nice comfy chair to relax and write in.  After a few hours I headed next door to Hallmark.  I didn't see that girl there, but I did check the store out.  OMG I never saw so many cards in my life in one place.  They had cards in every shape and size, normal or musical.  I hate to see how much they cost to cover the business.  Oh well another time.

I see that AIM has been upgraded or something.  Many of you who are already on my buddy list will probably get a invite to join again.  Don't know what it all means, but hey I'll jump on the band wagon for a while.

Saturday, January 27, 2007


Well I decided to pass on yoga this morning and sleep in late and let me tell you it was glorious.  I then met some friends over at the Silver Dinner for some lunch.  I had the grilled veggie omelet and as always their food is superb.

I then walked next door to Starbucks and sat my butt down to relax and write.  The 32 oz. soda I had just finished next door interrupted my sitting for long periods, but it was  nice time.  I did get to see the lady I find very attractive walking past where I sitting today.  She works next door at Hallmark.  I know nothing about her besides her looks, but I'm thinking of stopping by next door tomorrow and see if there are any sparks on her side.

Valet was really good tonight.  We had NY Life's holiday party.  Hey these people know how to tip when there whole night is free.  10's were flying freely as were a few 20's.  We got a few stiff as always, but all in all they are always welcomed back.  The funniest thing is how people just walk up and say I have the white lexus, like it's the only car we got the whole night.  I really wanted to say was that I have no idea what his keys look like and the only reason I even remember him is that his wife's breast are about to pop out of her dress. 

Friday, January 26, 2007

Decisions, Decisons, Decisions

One thing I am facing for the second time this week is whether to blow visiting my Mom off or staying later for a patient who is hurting.  Both times I have kept with my plans of visiting my Mom on the way to valet.  So far I have rescheduled the pateint for the follwing day.  Like many things as I get busier time gets more precious and I have to make decsions on how to use it.

Life In Review

Well it snowed down here for a little while yesterday and being in the south, people thought it was the apocalypse.  The interstate ground to a halt.  It was pretty pathetic.  Mind you it wasn't sticking just flakes in the sky.  The funny thing is that southerners who have never lived up north have no concept of snow removal and how people deal with having snow on the ground.  They just think life comes to a halt until it melts. 

Yesterday was actually a dead day in the office.  So I headed over to Starbucks to write, before getting my own treatment and seeing my Mom.  After about 160 pages of writing I've put that project down since I had seem to hit a wall.  So I picked up another project I have been carrying around for years.  I don't know what I will do with all this stuff one day, but I do enjoy creating.  It relieves me of stress in a good way.

Today is the opposite.  I'm booked back to back all afternoon which is nice.  Different though.  Hopefully it will become a habit.  Shooting for 4 patients per day for this year.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Even Stevens

It's funny.  I watched The Opposite episode of Sienfeld last night.  In that episode Jerry is Mr. Even Stevens and that's how I feel today.  Had a new patient scheduled this morning, but he cancelled.  Then another new person called to come in.  One of my patients disappeared and another called to come in.  I at least have the feeling I'm moving in the right direction.

Very happy that we will close with my Mom's place within 2 weeks.  That will be a very big problem out of my hair.  Now I just need to cancel the rest of the active stuff that is still being paid for. 

I was happy I was told yesterday was Tuesday cause I laughed about it, but I remembered it this morning when I thought it was Thursday.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Well their was no holiday this past Monday and now this week I'm a day ahead of what it is.  This has been a a rough year so far.  LOL.  I want to know what day it is.

Well we finally got a offer for my Mom's house.  A cash offer which would be great since we could close in less than 4 weeks.  That would be great since it is the last real stumbling block.  Medicaid is just processing.

It's been fun over the last week since some of my old patients I haven't seen in a while are coming in.  Tomorrow my first valet coworker will be coming in for treatment.  It will be weird to collect money from him.  Still doing it though.  I have to admit I hate January since it is Medicare deductible month and I know most of my Medicare patients are short on cash.  I collect from them since I know everyone else will, but it's still a difficult question for me.

Monday, January 22, 2007

A Quick Chat

Spoke to a friend this morning that I haven't in two weeks since she started a new job.  So she missed all the excitement in my life.  It's nice to know that all my friends know I can handle myself.  She reminded me to make sure to take care of myself.  On looking at it I was proud of myself since taking care of myself has taken a top priority in my life.  Years ago that was not so.  Over this last week and a half I've made sure to have plenty of Mike time which helps me deal with all of this.

Mondays are always slow days in the office.  So I'm sitting here trying to think up some new external marketing plans to bring business in.  It was nice Friday or was it Thursday of last week that an old patient came in.  She thanked me for all the newsletters I had sent.  She thought she would never have to see me again.  That was good to hear since there are plenty of times when I feel like dropping people from my mailing list since I haven't seen them in a long while.  I know I'll have to make a cut off point.  Probably at the 3 year mark. 

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Well winter finally arrived fully today.  Boy was it cold with hail coming down.  I was in a store today and a kid came running in to tell his mother that it was raining ice.  You could tell he was totally amazed.  Welcome to the south.  LOL. 

My cutest kid story though was one from Starbucks.  Little girl and I guess her older brother were sitting there.  He asked where she wanted to go next and she was like the Dollar Store.  He answered he didn't know where one was.  She was like well where do you go to get your presents for a dollar?  It was very cute.

Anyway I went to my partner's wife viewing.  The paper had said that 5-6 was for friends.  Although when I got there people were just arriving so I'm not quite sure what they were doing from 1-5.  It was mostly family and I was surprised more people from the club or the building didn't show up.  I only saw about 4-5 of us.  I know the club sent over food last night, a card, and flowers.  It was more of a service than a viewing.  The pastor had people speak if they wanted to.  Mostly family stood and talked.  From and hour and half of listening to people I didn't really know the departed any better since most people focused on God and being saved instead of who was dead.  So after 1 1/2 hours (30 minutes more than it was suppose to be) I said my goodbyes and left. 

Friday, January 19, 2007

Almost Done

Well my friend helped me move the big pieces out of my Mom's room so that is now done.  What a relief.  Now I just need to finish her Medicaid application.

It was really weird to have everyone home last night at the house.  Mal has only been home 2 times this month.  I don't think I have actually seen her since Thanksgiving.  She was already in her room when I got home late last night.  The thing that sucks about being the late sleeper is that everyone gets up before I do.  While Pete and Herman I rarely hear get up.  Mal's and mine room are right next to each other. So I was awoken several times this morning to the snooze alarm going off.  It was just like being married.  My ex took forever to get up in the morning. If she was getting up before me there was no sleeping late since by the time she got up I had heard the alarm blare so many times I was awake.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Time, Time, Time

Well being here so early this morning for my physical and my first patient rescheduled.  This day is dragging along and I feel like it should be an hour later, but it's not.  So I stopped by the thrift stores on the way to my Mom's since the nursing home side eats later.  I was happy to finish off Eric's birthday presents.  I was able to find a few Bionicle books and a computer game for his older computer that I think he will like.  I already had a Yu Gi Oh game for him and Pokemon book so that should be it. 

Manic Repression is a Sure Fired Mess

Well first off I had my exam this morning for my life insurance.  It was very funny.  The nurse took my blood pressure and it was 120/78 and she was like looks like no stress in your life.  ROFLMAO!  No stress, been waking up during the night this week with all my Mom's stuff going on.

Anyway I was talking with a patient yesterday and trying to help her with some of her survivor qualities from childhood that were causing problems in adult life. Then she asked me if I was angry with my parents.  The answer was no even though I know there should be.  I know I still haven't felt everything from that period of my life.  A lot of it is just that it was everyday life and the other was I shut a lot down to survive it.  If I put Eric back in that place in my mind I can be angry and offended, but for myself nah.  However it did kick up a lot of anger in my dreams last night with my Mom and her old boyfriend that I got express in dream land.  Also weird was Major my Dad's old dog was there.  He was really old by the time I was born.  I dreamed I wanted to play with him then I realized he was too old for my rough housing so I was gentle with him.  Just weird.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Guess it's That Type of Week

Got a call this morning from valet.  My partner's wife died today.  I was completely floored.  I felt really sad for him since they sent him home to get her medicines and while he was away she passed away.  She was in her late 40's.

Pretty much finished moving my stuff over to my Mom's new place.  The rest I will do Friday with a friend that offered the use of his truck.  My Mom was doing well today and she said she wasn't as scared.  So that was good.  The problem I am finding is she has less storage and it's rough to find a place for all of it.

I tell you many people say I am a good son and it does roll off my back like water on a duck's back.  However hearing it from a incontinent <SPAN class=spell id=sp-0 title="undefined Altimeters, Altimeter's" style="PADDING-RIGHT: 2px; BACKGROUND-POSITION: left bottom; PADDING-LEFT: 2px; BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(http://sdk.webmail.aol.com/sdk/20051001/images/bg_spellingErr.gif); PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; CURSOR: pointer; COLOR: black; PADDING-TOP: 2px; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: repeat-x; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow" _backupTitle="null"> patient this morning did mean something.  I guess if even he can see it then it's there.  So I'll take my Mom back over to her old digs tomorrow to say hi to everyone.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Gratitude of the Day

At the end of my day I needed to call a friend and just state that I was beat. Since I know me and without admitting out loud to someone I could always just keep pushing myself.  Anyway he said, "you must be at the end of your rope".  After a few moments thought I was happy to say "no".  I could still go 10 more rounds.  I was grateful to have taken care of myself along the way today so I wasn't at the end of my rope.  So two thumbs straight up!

Well I absorbed my Mom's coffee table into my bedroom.  I was able to put my Guide to Conan coffee book on it which made me happy.  So I finally took sometime to work on my room again tonight.  I went through my T-shirts to put away some of my more nerdy shirts for a later date which made some room in my closet.  Also I grabbed a bunch more stuff that was either too small or I didn't want for the thrift shop.  My Mom's dresser I'll put in my storage room at work with any other knick knacks of hers that doesn't fit in her new room.  Another step forward in organizing my life.


What a Day

The day started out okay.  Yoga was good and I was able to sign up for the senior health fair next month.  Something I was really happy about since all the other health fairs in the area were already full. 

I got called by child support about the money I still owe on support.  Since the office is slow I can't make full payments and my balance is rising and they want the money.  This is one of the areas that really affects me.  I HATE no being able to pay the full amount yet I know I just don't have it and it doesn't look like its appearing anytime soon.  Something I have problems living with.

Anyway I get to the hospital and they tell me my Mom is being picked up to go home in an hour.  They were like didn't they call you?  I said no and went over to my Mom's place to move everything before she got there.  On the way I stopped for gas.  Usually I put the auto clicker on while I stand there, but today it was just such a crappy day I hopped in the car.  I was just starting to wonder what was taking so long when a women came up and told my the gas was pouring out of my car.  I get out and I have a waterfall coming out of my tank and a big $6 pool of gas there. I wasn't too happy.  even better is that I reeked of the stuff.

It was nice that my Mom's old neighbors in the memory unit said to say hello to her.  I'll bring Mom down to visit them during the week.  What was funny was that while I was moving stuff from one side to the other one of the employees asked me how Mom was doing.  Then she found out I was a chiropractor she asked if she could come in for a free evaluation.  What the hell do I look like the free clinic?  I replied nicely though.

Anyway Mom is doing well as can be expected.  She's scared since her coping skills are now minimal.  When I went back tonight she seemed to be doing okay.  She had someone feeding her during dinner.  I need to find out if Mom has just forgotten or can't do it.  I know my Mom.  If someone else will do for her she'll let them.

I'll be happy when I can get back to my life already in progress.

Monday, January 15, 2007

It's Always Something

Well I got the call from the social worker where my Mom stays telling me my Mom can't come home until paperwork is filled out.  Seems she needs a lot of rehab and won't be returning to the memory unit.  So sometime this week I need to get her furniture out of there so we can save some money.  I'll dump her bed.  I would like to keep the furniture for myself, but I have no idea where to put it.  I think the dresser and table I can put in my storage room, but the recliner is a no go.  Hey maybe I'll bring it home. 

Anyway I went down to the boardwalk again since it was the last warm day.  Boy was it windy.  Going wasn't bad, but coming back I almost decided to walk it was so hard pedaling.  One thing I did find was the Naval Aviation memorial.  Didn't even know it existed.  It was behind the Norwegian Woman.  There are still building it.  So I grabbed some pics of it.


Sunday, January 14, 2007

My Sunday

Well I decided to enjoy the great weather so after I stopped by to see my Mom I headed off to the beach.  I had to drop my Mom being dead at some point.  She isn't now and I need to enjoy myself.  So the beach is one of the reasons I choose this place.  It's also one of the few places I have chosen to live in life.  Most were forced on me by different factors.  Since this was my choice I am very happy with it and I try to enjoy it when I can.  So I rode my bike down the boardwalk.  The weather temps were great although the wind did make it a little tricky.  The next softer seat worked like a charm.  After my ride I took a stroll out onto the jetty.  Everyone else was already on it so I disregarded the sign. 

I didn't feel like writing at Starbucks today.  Most likely since I haven't been there in a while.  So I worked on my marketing plans for the year for the office.  Everything fell into place except the summer (July & August) which I haven't been able to think up any exciting things to promote.

My Comedy improv event tonight went great.  It was actually an hour later than it was posted, but we went across the street and to have drinks before hand.  Some guy told us to move out white asses off the street.  LOL.  The comedians did a great job and my sides still hurt from all the laughing.

Anyway I took a bunch of pics down at the beach today of all the different decorations down there.


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Saturday, January 13, 2007

A Little of This. A Little of That

Jeez did it get hot here today.  I was wearing a flannel shirt with a t-shirt.  Boy was I hot.  I had to go down to the thrift shop and buy a short sleeved shirt to wear for the rest of the day.  I did find a cool M & M guys piece with them at the theater. 

Very cool looking.  Now I just need to decide if I want it at home or the office.

Well my comedy improv event tomorrow night is looking good.  I have 8 people coming.  3 of them I already know so it should be a fun time. 

Becareful What You Wish For

I decided to skip yoga this morning to sleep in and get some rest to make up for the emotional drain.  I didn't sleep late, but I got a good night sleep.  So I figured I stop by my Mom's place and pick up her walker so I could get her back walking again as soon as possible.  The escapees were in rare form today and it was hard for me to get into her unit and I needed the nurse to run interception when I wanted to leave.

Anyway Mom said she was feeling better today although she didn't know what that meant.  So I am taking that she loss some cognitive function with this last one.  Walking was a no go.  Her legs had already stiffened up and she couldn't get her balance.  I did talk to the doctor today.  He said she had an event like she has had in the past.  We'll no shortly how much has been loss and what is coming back.  He said she would go home Monday or Tuesday.  Then she would start physical therapy to walk again.  So I borrowed a wheelchair a pushed her around the floor to get her out of her room.  I'll take care of her DNR when she gets back to home since that is where I need to do it. 

So I had one appointment today already and I rescheduled 2 people from yesterday to today.  Then the phone kept ringing and people were in pain and needed to come in.  I'm always wishing it was busier, but of all the days to come true.  Anyway if everyday was like today I would be very happy business wise.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Stop the World I Want to Get Off

Well they said my Mom had another stroke and admitted her to the hospital to check her out.  Of all the days it would be today.  I had everything planned down to the minute, but atlas it wasn't to be.  I rescheduled my afternoon patients, but I did my story time reading with the elementary kids with Sam a female guinea pig.  It went well and I was able to run back to the office to treat a patient in between. 

Mom was anxious until I got there.  She was doing better than she has been all week.  I asked he to move her arms and legs and she happily shook them.  So I'll stop back tomorrow to see her again.  I do want to talk to her doctor about getting a DNR in place.  When I first brought her up here the doctor asked, but I didn't want to do it.  Now with time I do.  Mom doesn't need to be nickel and dimed all the way down. 

Making sure I am feeling what I need to be.  Way too easy for me to suppress.  I can feel myself pulling away, but over the last 6 months I have kind of prepared myself.  Also I am comfortable with what I have done in that time.  So when she goes I will have no regrets.

Last night's concert didn't happen.  When I got there, their were no tickets for me.  I wasn't to upset.  My friend still hadn't left her house and for the few minutes I was there I smelled like smoke.  So I am working with the radio station for other compensation.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Went to visit my Mom today.  She didn't cough on me today, but I can feel the effects of the virus being near her.  I was feeling great before I walked in so hopefully I can weather this.  She still was feeling weak today and the nurses informed me that they were sending her to the hospital to check her out.  My wonder is if she had another minor stroke.  Her left eye seemed to be drooping a little more.  So they will let me know.  So I'm weathering the second shot of sadness today.  Shared about it and dealt with it so now I go about the rest of my day.

Big Brothers

It's always strange when my cellphone starts making weird sounds.  It was a text message from my ex.  I don't text so it was a surprise to get.  Anyway she said that Eric was interested in Big Brothers.  A wave of sadness crashed over me.  A feeling of loss.  Although I know that I am the only male role model for him to do stuff with.  His grandfather is too old now.  So I can see the attraction and I don't mind, but it did strike a cord.

How MANY?!

I was at valet last night trying to stay awake which is pretty normal most of the year.  Anyway I was reading a copy of Esquire since it was laying around.  It had a sex survey results that I figured I would check out.  I'm not quite sure what the age range for the magazine is.  Anyway one thing that jumped out at me was how many dates before people have sex.  It said men: 3 and women: 5.  So the average person is going out 5 dates then hoping in the sack?  It was disturbing to me.  Maybe I'm old fashioned, need more time, or just really enjoy that period of specialness that is is lost once you have sex.  Anyway I was happy to hear talking to one of my friends who dates more than I do that most people my age do wait longer which was funny cause I know he is one of the above. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Well I went to visit my Mom today and she gave me my legacy by coughing all over me.  Like a little kid I had to keep telling her to cover her mouth.  She was feeling weak so I asked the nurses how she was doing.  They said she was getting over a cold and had had a fever, but that had broken.  You know they call me when she falls and is okay which I really could car less about.  I know its to cover their ass if she bruises, but I would rather know when she is sick and especially has a fever.  I don't want the school calling me to tell me Eric fell down on the playground and is okay, but I damn well want to know if he's sick.  Anyway I can feel my body fighting off the virus since then.  So we'll see if my immune system still has its stuff.

Well I got back in the game this morning with some term life insurance just in case anything happens to me Eric will have money to cover him.  My agent asked me who would be my secondary and I was like ????  I didn't have anyone.  However after some thought I said my niece.  She's the youngest in the family and if Eric and I bite it rather her have it than my ex.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Did I Take Too Much?

Last year I did readings at the local schools for the SPCA.  With a rabbit named Jack I did a 2 hour stint.  It was loads of fun.  This year I was able to get the school across the street.  I got my schedule today.

9:00-9:30 Kindergarten & 1st are teaming up<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

9:30-10:00 5th grade

10:00-10:30 3rd grade

10:30-11:00 3rd grade


12:00-12:30 2nd grade

12:30-1:00 Kindergarten

1:00-1:30 Kindergarten

1:30-2:00 1st grade

Maybe I took on too much this time.  LOL.

Old School

Okay when I was in school it was called the nurse's office.  Now it's the clinic.  Ask for the nurse's office and you do through them unless your going through the computerized answering system.  Anyway I made all my nurses calls.  I have one left that I haven't been able to get through and I put my new fax machine through its paces today.

Monday's are always slow in the office or should I say the first day of the week.  I tell you my patients treat me like a adulterous affair.  Squirrel me away for lunch hours and certain days of the week.  So I used my free day to toss all the old crap out and organize my desk which really needed it.

Since my butt was still sore from yesterdays ride I invested in a new softer seat for the next time.  I'm trying to set up a event at the Stage company for a night of improv comedy.  Once I find a co-host all should be well.


Sunday, January 7, 2007

Social Weekend

Well its been a social weekend for me.  I joined the Meetin group which is just a bunch of people in the area (they have chapters all over).  It's free so I figured why not.  We went to see Children of Men yesterday and it was good.  Not terribly cheerful though.  I wish I had planned better I would have liked to grab something to eat with them and talk.  However I promised my Mom I would see her before I went to valet.

Today I planned better.  Met a different group of people today for biking on the boardwalk.  I did about 10 miles and I need a new bike seat.  Ouch! This one is way too hard.  Then we went out for lunch at this hole of a place.  However it was really good and quick service. 

So I will try and find time with my busy schedule to join all the activities that are going on.  It should be a nice way to meet some people and make some friends in the area.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Hail to the King

"If God didn't want them sheared, he wouldn't have made them sheep" ~ Eli Wallach (Magnificent Seven)
I met this guy today who truly had mastered the art of marketing.  He was a carpet salesman and to every person he sold a carpet to he gave them a free certificate for a free puppy of kitten at the SPCA.  That was how he got his repeat business.  I couldn't believe how creative it was.  A pup or kitten is going to destroy any carpet by going to the bathroom on it or ripping it up. I have to think of what I can give my patients when they switch over to maintenance.  Maybe free bungy jumping tickets.

Take Your Medicine

This is truly great.  Pills.  If I could play this in my waiting room it would be great.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Boy I Feel Drained

Today didn’t differ much from a normal day except an addition of a business meeting, but boy I feel like I ran a marathon.

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I really can’t wait for the resolution people to leave the gym.  Boy was the parking lot packed as was the fitness room.  The weight room was normal, but I was hoping to run on the treadmill today to keep up my endurance.  LOL.  That wasn’t happening unless I wanted to camp out there.


My financial meeting went well.  We had lunch over at this really nice biker bar that just opened up.  They had the lightest fried catfish I have ever eaten.  Larry had a great way of putting everything.  If you don’t love anyone just ignore this whole conversation.  Some of the gems I picked up were the need for a will and that would be for Eric.  Anything I wanted him to have or wanted for him if I was not able to give it.  Something in writing with my ex that if she dies that custody would go to me.  With nothing in writing I could be fighting her family for Eric.  Like I know with law, if it isn’t written it doesn’t exist.  That was the free stuff.  The rest cost money and since I don’t have any it wasn’t a problem, although he had a very good point with life insurance with kids.  Used two ways; one would be the money would be his at 18 the other would be if he died the money could be used to help with grieving time which I had to agree would be immense.


Knocked another few nurses out today with contacting them to send information for parents on backpack safety.  I have no idea what will happen on their end, but that’s out of my hands.


I got to visit Mom today during sing-a-long.  It’s a lot of fun when Lea plays the piano during it.  She must have been a piano teacher previously.  She just has that way about her.  It’s funny she does forget a lot, but she still can play some good tunes on the piano.


I had to ask my Medicare patients for their deductible today.  My first time, usually they pay someone else before me.  It was rough since I know they are tight on money, but hey it’s not my responsibility and I need the money. 


The one thing I noticed about myself today is that I don’t like when my heart beat speeds up.  I think I equate it with being anxious.  So even if I’m working out, it makes me uncomfortable and it’s a little workout not to become anxious.


It’s funny one of my old patients.  Never could make an appointment, was always late, and was last minute Charlie on getting an appointment.  Well he moved out of the area about 6 months ago.  Anyway he calls me tonight and we talk a little while.  So he tells me he’s going to see another chiropractor and could I fax over my stuff to the new person.  I’m like sure I’ll do it Monday.  He’s like well I have the appointment in 20 minutes.  Last minute Charlie strikes again.  Plus I think he forgets that he is now on Pacific Time and I’m eastern.  I’m at Starbucks and relaxing.  I’m not dragging my ass back to the office for something he could have done sooner.  LOL.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

And I Wonder Why

Well I can see I am getting better with instantly worrying.  My Uncle called today to wish me a Happy New Year and tell me we have a problem.  He makes it sound very tense.  All it is, is that their is only one tag for my Mom's place down there instead of two.  Reality check - I don't give a rat's ass about some stinking tag.  I'll get to that somewhere down the line.  Hopefully the freakin' thing will be sold be then.

I was wondering whether Eric had like the Pokemon book I had sent him.  It was the original comics translated into English.  I know he is more a Yu Gi Oh fan, but I hoped the specialness would make up for that.  Anyway I guess after talking to his friends that are Pokemon fans.  He found out how rare the book was and he was all excited.  So I was finally able to use my Borders gift card to get him the new one for his upcoming birthday. 

God I hate the next 10 months of valet.  Unless there is a party the nights are sssllloooowww and staying awake is an art form.


Before my mailbox is over run with emails for me to "call the nurse" it has been done.  Thanks. LMAO!

Eyes of Grey

Well with trying to look through the world with eyes of grey I am more happy with everything.  Trying to isolate the crap from the normal and good stuff gives a better balance.

Everything went well with my Mom's Medicaid evaluation and with getting her rent reduced the $500 like the offered.  So she will be able to stay where she is for an extra month.  Still having a hard time with compliments since the woman gave me one for visiting my Mom everyday.  My friend Paul asked if I had problems giving them. I said no.  It's a thing of worthiness.  For some reason I don't see myself as a good son.  Probably an infant thing on my parents getting divorced.  Who the hell knows.  Anyway Paul said he's going to give me compliments till I kill him.

I held off calling the school nurse down the street yesterday.  I guess a fear of rejection.  Although the truth of the matter is that if their is a refusal it's of the proposal not me as a person.  I can take things personally still.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Afternoon Fun


Found a site which allows you to make your own portrait.  From normal to very abnormal.  Portrait Illustrator.


Well I've had a digital camera for over a month now so I figured I should update my pic on here since the old one was about a year and half old.  God I hate taking pics of myself.  Easier to let someone else do it.

Well tackled some of my Mom's stuff today.  We can cash out the insurance policy and leave the rest for when she dies.  That extra money will buy her an extra month where she is.  Now I just need to talk to G at the facility to take her up on her offer of taking $500 off per month so we can make that happen.  I am not looking forward to the 90 minute evaluation tomorrow for her. 

Well I went to get my weekly tune up from my friend today.  Here office is a block away from the beach so if I get there early I can lounge a little near the water and enjoy.  So I included some pics of the Chesapeake Bay from Norfolk.  Also I took a pic of my new welcome sign.  It took a lot of coats of paint to get a nice finish.  I was very happy that it dried fast so that I could glue the letters on before I left last night. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Afternoon Delight

It never rains except when it pours.  A bunch of calls all at once which I am never a fan of.  Anyway I set up my Mom's physical/medical evaluation for Medicare set up for Thursday morning.  Then I was going to pass on this one, but it sounded like something that I could use the information for.  Forget the service though.  A salesman Larry that I know called to buy me lunch and plan for the future with financials.  LMAO. You need financials before you can plan.  However since I suck at finances I figured I would here him out. One thing I am good at is assimilating the stuff I hear into my world.  So hopefully I will pick up some gems {not Gem, she's married ;)}, if not it's a free lunch.  I know I have no problem saying "no" so I'm covered in that area.

Couldn't find a good welcome sign for my door.  So when I can't find I make.  So that's what I did.  I'm waiting for the paint to dry now. Hopefully it will not need another coat, but I'm not quite sure yet. 

One last thing. I don't want to deal with Mom's stuff.  I don't want to think about all of my Mom's stuff.  I don't want to have anything to do with my Mom's stuff.  Okay I'm finished ranting.

Tuesday or Monday?

"It is clear the future holds opportunities - it also holds pitfalls. The trick will be to seize the opportunities, avoid the pitfalls, and get back home by 6:00."  --Woody Allen

Two weeks in a row of the week starting on Tuesday.  My brain can't take it and I feel very ditzy today.  Making breakfast this morning was a chore of trying to get everything out of the refrigerator to make a sandwich and get put back in.  Little balance problems in yoga class.  Everything seems to be a little foggy today.  LOL. Oh well hopefully it will pass.

So I have a list of stuff I need to get done today since it is the beginning of the new year and a new month.  Hopefully it won't tax my brain too much.  The funny thing is that I could just stare at my swing magnet thingy that I got for Christmas.  It's going to be a long day.  However that is okay, I'm allowed days like this.

Monday, January 1, 2007

My Day

Jeez what a hot day.  We topped off over 70 and I was over dressed for it and sweating like a madman today.  I at least got my storage area in the office straightened up and took down decorations.  Wow the office looks so bare without the extra stuff.  I'll have to go out tomorrow and find stuff that I can use to fill the office up for this time between the holidays.  I'll wait 2 weeks before I put up Valentine's Day stuff. 

Well my usual Monday with the guys really changed from what it started out to be.  A bunch of the guys just didn't show.  At least one did call and say he would be late which was good since I thought I was going to be alone.  So it ended up only being the three of us and later than I expected.  So I used the time to read which I haven't done as much in the last week or so since I usually do all my reading at valet.

I finally found an excellent definition for intimacy - the ability to be yourself - who you are, what you are - with another person.  I know I learned several years ago that sex wasn't the real definition of intimacy, although it was an intimate act.  I didn't have a good concrete definition that I could just whip out.

Anyway we hung out for a while, but the had to split afterwards so I stopped at the Silver Diner for my favorite Stir Fried Veggies with angel hair pasta.  Wowzers was it spicy tonight. My tummy is still burning, but is was good.  Got great service, had three waitresses waiting on me.  They kept saying they were helping out.  I think my true waitress only brought me my check.  LOL.

Black & White

It was nice to sleep in this morning and to get up slowly.  I reminded my landlord that I wouldn't be home for dinner tonight.  He went through his emotional turmoil of having his plans upset, even though I had told him about it days ago.  I thought I came out of it unscathed since I didn't fall into my old self of feeling like I did something bad.  However as I was driving out I was kind of tense for some strange reason.  I couldn't think of anything except this incident.  I had to realize black & white thinking runs deep.  Without a conscious run through of the incident I saw it since it wasn't all good (nothing ever is) that it was bad.  Hence my tenseness.  The almost silent playing of old tapes.  I'm a bad person, it's my fault, the other shoe will drop, etc.  It was a funny realization since I was thinking that evaluation is so important to make sure I don't veer off track.  And here I am a little later veering off, before I realized it.