Well if you know that title you then know my favorite episode of Couplings. Since my son is asleep sick and I will be again in the car all day long tommorow I figured I might as well triple dip here today.
The Four Pillars of the Male Heterosexual Psyche are:
1) Naked Women
2) Garters
3) Lesbians
4) Sean Connery as the definitive James Bond
Now I know all the men out there are doing a victory dance when they hear this list. I know I do and all the women are ?????????????? You are probably wondering where this insane ranting are going. Well I am tired and reading a lot of journals. However I was reading one with PMS explained for men. I remember a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. I was driving my girl friend and her best friend home. They were trying to figure out if this guy liked my girl friend's best friend. They ran all over the place with it. At least 20 minutes later I asked, "why don't you just ask a guy what is going on?" I was in the car also. Like Buerger in "Sex in the City" said decisively, "he's just not into you." If you ever want the fast low down on a guy ask one ladies. We are very simple creatures just that are codes are very different from yours and no amount of books will ever make you understand it. Look at the list up above and tell me you understand it. I know every person with a "Y" chromosome does. Thanks for letting me share. Let me start before I really get crazy.
Hey , Mike ..... numbers one and two I can understand. And number four I certainly agree with. But I will NEVER get number three. I know it's true, but I just don't get it. ( p.s. .... keeping that pool float on my head ! ) Tina http://journals.aol.com/onemoretina/Ridealongwithme
Hi Mike,
Enjoyed your post. I understand all 4...no prob. BUT...I do notice that you copied my own personal signature drawing of JaxKat. You know...the one that looks just like me? I do prefer that people get permission to use my artwork. People...this is a personal creation by JaxKat and I do not wish that it start circulating around the net.
Thank You,
Is it really that simple? Those four pillars and man is content? And you see, we must muse around for at least an hour on the merits of why a guy said a single thing, rather then just ask him. It just gives us something to do, call it female chatter and such. And if we just came out and asked him, we'd have to invest at least 3 hours going over the merits of that dialogue.
We complicated beasts, us woman :o)
I am deeply sorry JaxKat. I didn't know it was your personal creation. I'll remove it. ~ Mike
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