Friday, January 27, 2006

Becoming Yourself

"What have you already accomplished?  Where are you headed?  What are you still waiting for?  Look at your path with compassion for the process of becoming yourself is a lifelong enterprise."  ~ Kingma

I enjoyed reading this statment this morning.  It reminded me that my journey is lifelong and that my impatience with myself is unjustified.  All things take time and that if I look back over time I have improved in all areas of my life except financially.  In that I have actually regressed over the last 2 years.  In my practice I sometimes go over a Wellness Wheel with my patients.  It shows them seven aspects of their overall health.  Physical, financial, family, social, career, spiritual, and mental health.  That the lowest will always bring down the others to that point.  It is all connected.  All points on my wheel are the highest they have been in my life except finances.  I let this fact bring me down and it is a real workout in the other areas to keep them up.  I am not saying money is the key to happiness, but when you focus on worrying if you can cover the basics of life it takes something from you.  This was a good reminder to remind myself that this is not going to change overnight, but will be a process over time.  No matter how I would want it to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like where I am right now, except it would be nice to have more money. But I have had much less than I have now, so I am quite content.

I am glad to see that you say all of yours are the highest they have ever been (with the exception of finances). There aren't many people that would say that.

Have a good week, Mike!
