"Every culture tries to gloss over the consequences of its mistakes by coming up with homilies that excuse but don't explain. One of the most damaging excuses we have developed to explain away men's inappropriate behavior is simply that ...." ~ Glennon
Hey the list is endless. Most are probably in the daily jokes I send around, but does it explain anything really. Does it solve the problems. I think not. If anything if hardens the opinions out there. I remember when my son was a baby and we visited friends. I walked into a room full of women talking. They were all, "it really is fun having a baby, it gets better, etc." I really wanted to say "f*ck you lady. I'm not your husband." Instead of smiling and nodding my head. However looking back I know where she was coming from. Men are not taught to be caring. As we grow up we see our mothers as the nurtures while dad is the force of punishment when he gets home. Punishment for boys is usually more strict to get rid of any wild streaks. Tears and softness are not the nature of boys. Since big boys don't cry as the cliche goes. We are made from sterner stuff than sugar and spice.
So where in the world do men go to express and feel? There are only two places and both start with the letter "S". That's right sports and sex. For only with sports can a man express his full range of emotions with no negative effects from the rest of society. I have seen men go to family funerals and not shed a tear, but the next Sunday watch him ball when his team loses. On the flip side is sex. Whether it be sex, pornography, or whatever it will give us a rise. No pun intended. Through all the barriers and emotional walls that have been set up. Powerful feelings can be felt. Emotional connections can be made.
However strip us of these for social functions and we are like a person with no arms trying to give hugs. What the hell do you do? We are in a strange land without a map. Yet we are suppose to know where we are and where we are going. For not to know would mean we are less than a man. Yet the men around us are equallyclueless, but to cover it up we can always drop back to sports and sex. "Hey how about those Mets?"
Wow Mike...very deep, my friend....it may take me awhile, but I'm gonna figure you out someday! Lots of Hugs, Linda
how often were YOU caned as a child?
how often did you cane your sons?
This is my first time reading your journal and you have some realistic views on things. This is one of them. You are so right on, just wish I had understood the reality of it years ago. It would have made my life simpler. -Margo
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