Friday, February 17, 2006

Story Telling

"I have learned from long experience that people, take them as they run, are more easily influenced through the medium of a broad and humorous illustration than in any other way." ~ Abraham Lincoln

I got my weekly fatherhood news today.  They told of two studies that children learn more from stories than lectures.  Any parent could tell you this. Thirty seconds into a lecture you can see a kid's eye glaze over.  I know mine still do.  LOL.  I know I learn best from hearing personal stories.  Also especially for boys it is good for them to hear that we as adults aren't perfect and they don't have to be either.  I know as a child I thought I had to be perfect and that has followed me into adulthood. 

It's funny. Stories I have told my son years ago he still remembers.  Many things I have told him are long forgotten.  He remembers to make sure the toilet lid is down so you don't end up falling in.  Riding or walking for long periods of time with your eyes close is not a good thing.  I rode my bike into a stop sign.  Jeez there was so many.  Always good for a good laugh.  Also to have my son ask, "why did you do that?"  never really have a good answer besides I wasn't thinking. LOL.


Anonymous said...

this really is true; they don't want to hear lectures, but if you can get the point across with a story, that they will remember. This is probably why Jesus told so many parables during his life on earth

enjoy the weekend!


Anonymous said...

Good point here!  I have learned the same thing...I can lecture away, and my girls just don't get it, but I can tell a 10 second story & they are still talking about it years later!  Wonder why that is?!?!?  Well, as long as it works, right?
Love, Linda

Anonymous said...

It's even harder for girls, my friend!  Try raising a daughter in this society where you are nothing if you aren't perfect!  

My son is 8 and is just now starting to worry about his looks.  Ugh.  He does care more about being perfect than my daughter and I always found that odd, but now that you posted this I don't have to worry, boys (and men) have to worry too...good!  No not good in a haha kind of way more of a relieved kind of way.


PS I haven't been to my Chiro. in a week, think he'll be mad at me?

Anonymous said...

Hi, nice entry.  I am amazed how my son (13) repeats things I said YEARS ago!  He was actually listening!  He really appreciates the many (sometimes very retarded) life stories I have shared with him and makes it a point to alway remind me of them. "Remember Mommy when you were 9 and burped really loudly at the grand opening of the huge downtown library?"  "Yes son, I still feel the slap my Dad gave me on the back of my head!"  My intended Mommy lesson :  "hold your  burps because it will become a custom and embarrass you one day".  Gee.... burps....nice first entry into journal right!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice entry...It is true!!    What were you doing when you ran into a stop sign?  :)

Anonymous said...

It's amazing what kids can remember!! Just when you think there is no hope of them remembering anything good... they surprise you and come up with something good!!! lol.....