Sunday, April 16, 2006

Sunday Night

Man I am sore today.  Our yoga teacher had us do a LOT of squats yesterday and boy do I feel it today.  The bike ride last night and all the running at work today didn't improve matters. 

I stopped by my friends Easter egg hunt this morning.  It was nice, but few kids where there.  Most I was informed would be there by 11.  Several hundred eggs littered the park.  It was pretty funny.  Everyone was nice and I was glad to stop by for the short time.

It was funny at work today.  I guess the Marriot hotel had some kind of Easter celebration going on because I say the Easter bunny go in.  What was funny was that just as he was getting there a bunch of little kids saw him and started running towards him.  He took off fast into the hotel.  I can see the headlines now, "Easter Bunny mugged by kids."  LOL.

Well I rented some movies and I am going to go rest my weary body.


Anonymous said...

Happy Easter and I hope you and your sore body have a very relaxing time with those movies!


Anonymous said...

Happy you stopped by your friends. Hope you had a good day.

Anonymous said... those kids are going to need therapy because the easter bunny ran away from
