Monday, April 10, 2006

What We Learn From Horror Movies

Someone commented in my last entry that you couldn't learn much from horror movies, but I beg to differ.  I don't like them and don't watch them, but they have very useful information.
You can learn a lot from horror movies.  The ultimate weapon against evil is the flashlight.  You see it all the time.  Some scary noise in the house.  Should you get a gun, knife, nah get the flashlight.
Also always go with your gut.  The walls may be bleeding, your kids and furniture are mysteriously sliding around the house, and a strange demonic voice is yelling, "get the f*ck out of the house."  But hey your gut says it's okay you should listen.
Always, always buy land on desecrated Native American burial grounds were they have been reburied upside down and pissed on.  The assessment values on these properties always skyrocket.
See you can learn a lot.


Anonymous said...

I just saw a movie over the weekend about a housing development....but they changed it was over an old plot of land that slaves had owned after the war. Most scary movies are lame...I prefer psychological types....nothing is scarier than a person going crazy....because it really can happen! But....I am not above jumping at a loud noise or whatever at a movie....Halloween is one of my all time favorite movies!  And I go to movies to be entertained...not to learn  :  )


Anonymous said...

Just think if Jodi Foster has a flashlight in the house in Silence of the Lambs...remember the scene...poor girl!

Anonymous said...

Things you learn from movies....very funny entry!!   This one is good too!


Anonymous said...

funny funny stuff. Yep I will get my flashlight.