I would just like to say that you guys rock. LOL. All your comments are much appreciated and have given me many moments of laughter and feeling good.
Worn out at the moment. I believe I have update everything in the office with all the new information I learned Saturday. Now it's on to marketing which is my big weakness. Actually it's everything I did in the past just done more organized and more frequently. So I just need to update the information and review it all to be more in my head.
Bummed that my new patient rescheduled, but it does give me more time to get this work done. Since I send this to everyone else to help them out. I figured I should share this with you my friends.
Monday Motivation
Most of us give more planning and preparation to our summer vacation or weekend getaway than we do to our lives. This would be a great week to review where you are and where you want to be in a couple of key areas:
- Update or create your will
- Evaluate your life insurance
- Review your disability insurance
- Your plan in case of identity theft
- A complete physical examination
There is a peace of mind that comes from having your affairs in order. This sense of preparedness is empowering and brings confidence. It's about removing distractions and doubts while reducing the burden on others.
It's not sexy. And it's easy to put off until it's too late. Turns out, addressing these issues before they become emergencies makes vacations more relaxing and restorative. Success favors the prepared mind.
Condition of the Week
Whiplash ~ The rapid motion of the neck during a crash can result in a number of injuries - many of which are impossible to see on x-rays or MRI. Pain pills won’t heal inflamed tendons and ligaments. Muscle relaxers won’t heal torn muscles. A cervical collar won’t restore a graceful forward spinal curve.
Specific chiropractic spinal adjustments, because they can help restore proper motion and position of individual spinal bones, can help assure proper healing.
Tell someone you love about chiropractic today.
I'm happy that you like your comments. So do I. Go market yourself. You should do great at that. Good luck.
There ya go! You go you little marketing marvel! You gotta get out there and push it...no one else will/can do it better than you can/will for yourself. ;) C. http://journals.aol.com/gdirene/thedailies
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