First I would like to thank everyone for their comments and emails wishing me a Happy Father's Day. I talked to my son Eric this morning and that was fun. Legally I do have him today, but since I have him for 1-2 weeks in 2 more weeks I wait since I couldn't afford to do both. Some sadness today, but since I am not talking to many fathers today I don't see what I am missing.
So anyway I enjoyed my day. After the gym I went down to the yearly Boardwalk Art Show at the beach. It is always fun to walk and see all the stuff and then sit on the beach. No sunscreen so I am red tonight. Next time I'll leave my personal stuff in the car so I can go into the water. I can tell my self image has changed especially with working out. Wore my shorts and sleeveless shirt on the beach today and it was fun.
Picked up Forest Gump on sale today as a present to myself. I'll probably watch it later tonight. Stopped by to see my Mom and she was doing better today. More communicative which is good.
I stopped by Starbucks to relax and read. There was an attractive woman there I was going to ask out, but then I realized when would I do it. I'm working both jobs for the next 5 days then I am off to Florida next weekend. Then my son comes and will be here for a week. Then I remembered I was waiting till he went home to possibly get back into dating. Have to admit hate when women are wearing sunglasses since you can never tell where they are looking.
Sounds like you had a nice day!
happy father's day!
Take it easy for as long as you can, Mike. Otherwise, you'll be spinning around so much they'll be tracking you as a tropical storm in Florida! And with those shorts and muscle man t-shirts, Boy, you can be sure those ladies in their sunglasses are looking directly at YOU and no where else. Looks like those work outs are paying off. ---angel
sounds like you have a lot going on. I'm sure you'll have plenty of dates soon enough. Have a great day.
When you're feeling ready to ask someone out and want to, you don't have to be available that next week. If you're not likely to see her again naturally because of some shared routine, you can always strick up a conversation, let her know that you'll be out of town some but would love to meet up when you return. Or, not:) All in time. Just giving you another option to use IF you feel like it. A guy yesterday told me he wasn't hitting on me but would like to give me his # should I ever be in Baltimore. Of course he was hitting on me, but he was so nice and respectful about it all, not pushy, no commitment right then, that I took his #, told him honestly I'm hardly ever in Baltimore, but still. If you're polite and respectful. a decent woman will at least be polite and respectful back, and, who knows? Don't force yourself, but if you do run into someone you really wish to see, then it is okay to approach her. Really.
I think Father's Day is sometimes full of high expectations, a "Hallmark" type of day. It's not really necessary to be in full contact with ones dad, or ones child, on such a day tho it IS nice. Sometimes, knowing that there is that good connection, in general, is what's important:) You had a good talk w/ him, and you'll see him soon, and yeah, it'd be nice if he could join his buff dad on the beach, but, he will. You're a dad to him all the time, even if geographically apart. Hey, sometimes, that beats mentally apart. Hang in there, Mike. Sounds like a good boardwalk show.
-- Robin
A woman is probably not going to want to go go out with a total stranger anyway....she would want to get to know you on the phone or e-mails or whatever. Maybe you could find time to fit that in.
Is life ever too busy to be dating, hmm now there's a question. I guess it just depends on the person.
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!! Good to hear you will soon be spending time with your son and that your mom is doing better. Better get some aloe for the sunburn : )
Forest Gump is such a great movie, enjoy!!
~ Jenny
SUNSCREEN!!!! next time don't forget!!!
The sun can do so much damage!!!
& Happy belated Fathers Day!
Man I'd love to just be able to go and sit on the beach!!!!! Glad you are working out and feel better about yourself.... I feel the same way since I have been working out!!! It makes you feel better when you look better!!!
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