Friday, July 28, 2006

Avoiding the Trap

K emailed me and thanked me for the drink.  Gut wise it felt like a feeler to see where I stood.  Here's the trap.  Do I fall into does she like me or not?  Honestly it doesn't matter.  I know I have to act instead of react to people.  Checking the pro and con list in my head there is mostly con.  I know in the past I can over look this when I am reacting cause I am just going off of "Oh she likes me".  I learned that lesson.  Took a few moments of thought.  So I left it as if she wants a movie buddy I'd be happy to get it together.  I know it is trouble for me to go beyond friends.


Anonymous said...

Yeah listen to your gut
~ Marina

Anonymous said...

Yeah, falling in love and getting hurt in the past makes one very cautious. Just don't be too cautious to where you kill every budding relationship. Listen to Mama. I do not buy the Friends with Benefits approach so take it slow and play nice with this lady. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Plucking petals off daisies is not for you at this time, Mike. Put a few more miles between you and your divorce. Otherwise, you will be back in a relationship with someone just like your ex.  Or worse yet, we could be calling you the "runaway groom"...and where would that leave Eric?---angel

Anonymous said...

well dating is so hard. I think you have to listen to yourself. If you say it's not going to go beyond friends then there is a reason you feel this way.

Anonymous said...

(continued) I forgot to say enjoy yourself, Mike. You deserve it! ---angel