Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Monday's Day in Review

We stopped at Subway to get a sandwich today before we went to McDonalds play place.  I’m getting sick of the food after having almost everyday.  I go there about once a week.  This was the first time with Eric.  The cashier was funny.  She was like, “I didn’t know you had one of those.” LMAO. 

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It was nice to see my Mom’s face as she watched her 2 grandchildren play with each other.  She was extremely happy.  The meeting we had with them went very well.  Actually they didn’t have much to say since they know I am there almost daily and when anything has come up I have taken care of it in a timely fashion.  I was congratulated on my interaction with my Mom and how much that is helping her and that she has never seen this kind of involvement.  I took the compliments.  My brother and I got to see the nursing home side.  It was nice.  I’ve seen a <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />LOT worse.  My bro had a harder time with it.  She is in an extremely nice place now and we know it will end in a few months. 


Anyway we went out to dinner afterwards.  My SIL comes from a pretty stable family so my bro and I are like weird psych projects to her.  So we related different abuse stories, how we got past them, etc. It was fun.  Eric was board and wanted more of my attention, but without camp this week it was nice to have the distraction.  I love my son, but boy he just never shuts up.  We had a 10 minute conversation yesterday on why it would be bad to poop in a urinal.


Anyway they are leaving tomorrow, but we said we would keep in touch.  If my ex doesn’t bring Eric to see them then on my visits up I will try to meet up with them to go museum hoping or something in the city.




Anonymous said...

LOL at the conversation with your son ha ha ha!!!  Gotta love kids.


Anonymous said...

Eww...... McDonalds?  Blech!  Heart attack waiting to happen! I can't believe you eat there so much, Mike! lol

You and Eric have some pretty wild convo's don't you?  Sounds like the kind of talk I would have had with one of my boys! lol
