Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sunday ~ It's all about me

I am making Sunday my day.  It has been for a while, but now just making it mores so.  Since I don’t work and I make it a point to be the day I don’t see my Mom.  It is all mine to do as I please. 


So I finished cleaning out the storage unit today and straightened all the stuff in the office.  I was surprised almost all the stuff I put out for people disappeared so I am happy that isn’t being wasted.


The rest of the day I helped a friend put together his home office furniture.  It took almost 5 hours.  It was a lot of stuff, but I had a lot of fun.  I enjoy putting stuff together jut like I look forward to Christmas morning and putting all the toys together.  I love working with my hands.


So I went to Applebee’s tonight for dinner.  I was in the mood for their <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Bourbon Street steak.  Like last week it was nice to treat myself after a hard week.  One of those things I think I deserve.  An added bonus tonight was that most of the wait staff flirted with me while I was there all around half my age, but still enjoyable.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful Sunday.  We all deserve some time for oursleves.


Anonymous said...

Time for just you... What a concept. I need to try that someday. LOL

You are different from my husband. When its time to put something together, he gets edgy. The first thing he does is throw away the instructions... Then about 5 hours later, he is digging in the garbage for them!!! LOL

Burbon Street Steak is my hubby's fav at Applebee's... I don't eat beef, but I did try a bite once. It was soo good. But not good enough for me to even think about being a beef eater for. LOL!!!
