Well I am still enjoying my good time with Colleen last night. LOL. Since it is over I can now overthink. >:) My only alarms that came up last night that both Colleen and my ex are anal Irish Catholic school girls. Not much after that, but it stood out to me after I had a talk with my friend about him recreating his relationship with his ex with his now girlfriend.
Okay I always hear how buying jeans for women is always a problematic adventure. Well I ventured into that adventure today. I had stopped to do some shopping and I figured I should pick up a new pair of jeans so I have them to go out with Colleen. Well I tried a pair on. LMAO! The size was WAY off. I guess working out has changed me from the slender guy I have always been. Also they seem to have changed all the names of the types of jeans. It became too much of a pain to do today. I guess I will have to schedule some time for it instead of doing it on the fly.
Left Colleen a message this morning telling her how much I enjoyed last night. I'll give her a call later tonight to run a few different date options past her.
Sounds like you are falling........... in like! :)
Glad your happy Mike!
oh you really had a good time. Way to cute.
Just try not to compare them too much... Sounds like you are enjoying this Colleen chic! Good for you!!!!
Pants shopping, bathing suit shopping, OY. Don't remind me! (And I need a new pair of pants myself.) I'm glad you and Colleen are still in that early high stage! It is cute, and makes me smile to think http://journals.aol.com/ceilisundancer/RandomThreads/of it. -- Robin
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