Thursday, October 19, 2006

Lessons Learned

After the one-two punch of today's events and my phone calls to friends to let out the excess energy I was still feeling depressed.  When I thought it over I wasn't fearful, but I was still looking at the negatives over and over in my mind.  I knew I had to get the ball rolling in the other direction.  So as I though of all the things I was grateful for today my spirits started to lift.  The biggest thing was that I hadn't crawled back into my whole because of the situation.  I had taken care of everything to the best of my ability today.  So I was able to enjoy myself at Starbucks and write which always makes me feel better.

My first marriage counseler said that he tried to learn something from everyone.  Looking over my day I learned something from my Mom today.  As I explained to my SIL what had transpired with the psychiatrist today and explain how much my Mom's life has changed in the last 10 months and all the loss she has gone through.  Also the continued loss of not being able to interact with her granddaughter like she would like.  However she keeps trying even though it is very frustrating to her.  As I see where get my anxieties from and other foibles I see where I get my strengths also in tenacity and perserverance.  So thanks Mom. :)


Anonymous said...

I'm hoping that some day my kids will come to the same conclusion.  That although I had my imperfections as a mother and as a human being, I never gave up trying to improve, and to be my kid's biggest fans.  Oh, and I loved, and continue to love them like crazy.   Tina

Anonymous said...

Wow, Mike, you have come a long way, haven't you?!  Kudos:)  -- Robin

Anonymous said...

Mike I do that too sometimes...neagative over negatives....its because..for me...I havent completely forgiven two people in particular...I'm working on it....its really the only way to get rid of inner hurt.....-Raven