My last patient today I haven't seen in a few years. He asked for a lot of my business cards for his martial arts class since they all hurt. (Know that feeling) Then the referral from the guy in the gym this morning. It has a lot of potential to bring in new patients in the office which has been lacking since July 1st and the increase in gas prices. Besides sharing the sort of good news it reminds me that my perceptions and attitudes rule my life. While truly nothing has changed in my life only the potential I am in a better mood. Part of me thinks I am in a better place (I guess monetarily) which is truly false. Nothing has changed, but my perception and attitude. Something I always have to remember.
Falling into a rut the last few days. It's the holdiay season and since my friend Paul works retail it is a time we don't talk as much. Since we usually talk everyday it has impact on my life. So I have other people I talk to, but not on a regular basis or fro as long. I have been breaking them in over the last few weeks, but for some reason this week I have been resistant to call. I don't know why. I could feel it tonight as the barnacles of life are buildng on my hull. I was able to talk to Paul tonight and clean myself out. It reminds me not to rely so much on one person. I have been wanting to increase my circle again since it shrunk over the years. So I have to be careful not to drop into that mindset of what I have to say is not important enough or that I can handle everything without sharing which is a death sentance for me.
Yah...thats not easy...You have more energy than me Mike...once the bond is there with someone, I hate starting over with someone new...but it is healthy to be social....we are social creatures by nature....I used to tell everyone about all of the details in my life...Now, I am dawned on me about a year our stories are treasures....every time we share them, its like putting them in a glass bubble...each glass bubble is another person we tell...there glass bubble is their perceptions, judgments and personality....I find, few have glass bubbles I respect...and since its such a treasure to tell your stories, I stopped telling strangers everything....ITs like once its told, its out there to be gossiped on, perceived incorrectly or whatever...I probably sound like a pessimist but haven't met enough self-aware people to think differently...So, like you..when we meet someone we feel we can share because they have a glass bubble we respect...its like a loss when you cant communicate with them all the time...the coool a little mystery walks with me in my treasures go to a safe ends up being
I share everything with my dog, and in my journal. Since I moved down here I have no friends. Literally. Not about to go out and make new ones, so.... I just tell it all to my dog! lol
Guest Editor Pick. :) Nice to meet you. Stop by and say "HI" :) Tracy
We all need someone to talk to. I'd be a raving lunatic if it wasn't for those who talk with me. What about your Coffee Stop. Mine is a good place for a conversation, especiall current events. Regards, Bill.
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