Sunday, December 17, 2006

Party Talk

"God bless us everyone," ~ Tiny Tim

I tell you the one thing I do miss about working for myself and by myself is the camaraderie of coworkers.  Most people made it to the party and the snacks were good.  The bonding thing was the board of directors representative saying nice things to us and the same with our manager.  I remember when I had staff in the past.  Even when they were a huge headache.  It was moments like these that balanced it out (sort of).  Anyway they gave us all cards to play on the games.  Air hockey was the best.  I enjoyed playing games with someone else better than by myself.  Although the motorcycle game came close.  The flip side to all this is the big range of ages.  It's the under 25 group and the over 40 group and they don't really intertwine.  So once all the speeches are over the great divide happens.  Anyway I had a fun time and was glad I went.

Still no answer from my landlord about Christmas.  He hasn't made definite plans on whether he is staying or not.  I don't want to be a victim here. So I will ask my friends that I know that might be alone if they want to get together.

LOL.  I love this spell check.  I'm making sure I spelled camaraderie correct.  It gives me microamp.  LMAO!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad the shindig went well. I have a bartenders xmas party this coming Friday. It's a carry I will be dumping meatballs, bbq sauce, garlic, and grape jelly in a crock pot and forgetting about it until party time. I am thinkng dry martinis sound good. The age gap is huge at my work, but  usually I am a social butterfly, and I land everywhere until I find out who is having the most fun...then I plant myself there for awhile. I also love the spell check...I type way faster than my brain can work...I go back, and see some of my entries..and I cringe. lol Take care,