Friday, December 15, 2006


"I WILL KILL HIM!" ~ Sting (Dune)

The one thing I truly hate about this time of year is everyone asking me what my resolutions for the new year are.  I don't make resolutions.  Never have.  As I see it, resolutions are a grandiose attempt to do things (goals) that you have avoided all year.  For me I'm always re-evaluating all parts of my life and when something needs to be changed it gets done their instead of 3-5-10 months down the line.  As usual, I get the strange looks and nods.  "That boy just ain't right in the head."

Well it's fixing day here.  I can't believe I've had my car more than a year already.  So I pulled out my air filter to change it.  When dirt falls out of it I take it it's full and needs to be changed. Next it was tightening up all the screws on the furniture that loosens with use.

I tell you I'm getting pretty sick of Waldenbooks.  I get all these coupons for discounts to use their and they never have the books I want.  I end up going across the street to Barnes & Noble which has a bigger selection and gets their books in way faster.



Anonymous said...

IF I make "annual" resolutions, it's more when I feel my new year starts, meaning, in the fall.   School restarts in the fall, and my birthday, my personal new year starts.  However, I agree, mostly, it's just good to reevaluate ones direction in life as life is going by, not at some regimented time. :)  -- Robin
p.s. -- you can come change the air filter and oil in my vehicle, too.   Gee, thanks for having me put yet something ELSE on my todo list!

Anonymous said...

This is my husbands reply when people ask him what his resolutions are for the New Year......."My Resolution is Not To Have one!" There you go, end of that question. Mine is  to turn around and ask the same question never answering their question.  Glad to hear your fixing things. Don't forget to check the air pressure in your tires. I agree with you on Waldenbooks vs Barnes & Noble.

Anonymous said...

My resolutions are the same every year...lose weight; eat healthy;exercise more; be more organized ; save more money....I never can seem to keep any of them so I give up!! I'm not making anymore!!!