Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Afternoon Delight

It never rains except when it pours.  A bunch of calls all at once which I am never a fan of.  Anyway I set up my Mom's physical/medical evaluation for Medicare set up for Thursday morning.  Then I was going to pass on this one, but it sounded like something that I could use the information for.  Forget the service though.  A salesman Larry that I know called to buy me lunch and plan for the future with financials.  LMAO. You need financials before you can plan.  However since I suck at finances I figured I would here him out. One thing I am good at is assimilating the stuff I hear into my world.  So hopefully I will pick up some gems {not Gem, she's married ;)}, if not it's a free lunch.  I know I have no problem saying "no" so I'm covered in that area.

Couldn't find a good welcome sign for my door.  So when I can't find I make.  So that's what I did.  I'm waiting for the paint to dry now. Hopefully it will not need another coat, but I'm not quite sure yet. 

One last thing. I don't want to deal with Mom's stuff.  I don't want to think about all of my Mom's stuff.  I don't want to have anything to do with my Mom's stuff.  Okay I'm finished ranting.


Anonymous said...

That is NOT an afternoon of delight, Mike.   Afternoon delight is midday, okay, afternoon, sex.   :)  -- Robin

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Mike!  Show us a pic of the sign you made.


Anonymous said...

LOL! LOL! You won't believe I found myself laughing when I read that part (gems) LOL! This is a good sign, laughing out REALLY loud on the 2nd day of 2007.
I knew this year is going to be great for me LOL! :-D
I hope you post pictures of the sign you made. I like creativity.
Gem :-)