Well I can see I am getting better with instantly worrying. My Uncle called today to wish me a Happy New Year and tell me we have a problem. He makes it sound very tense. All it is, is that their is only one tag for my Mom's place down there instead of two. Reality check - I don't give a rat's ass about some stinking tag. I'll get to that somewhere down the line. Hopefully the freakin' thing will be sold be then.
I was wondering whether Eric had like the Pokemon book I had sent him. It was the original comics translated into English. I know he is more a Yu Gi Oh fan, but I hoped the specialness would make up for that. Anyway I guess after talking to his friends that are Pokemon fans. He found out how rare the book was and he was all excited. So I was finally able to use my Borders gift card to get him the new one for his upcoming birthday.
God I hate the next 10 months of valet. Unless there is a party the nights are sssllloooowww and staying awake is an art form.
I'm glad he figured it out, too, that he can appreciate it! :) Tag? on a place? Funny how someone else's big concerns can really mean so little to, well, the rest of us. Can he take care of that himself, whatever a tag on her place even means? -- Robin who has possibly commented on every single entry you've made this year, lol
staying awake is an art form...LMAO....fell out laughing reading that...only people who have worked in the hospitality industry can understand AND I DO.....~Raven
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