Friday, January 26, 2007

Life In Review

Well it snowed down here for a little while yesterday and being in the south, people thought it was the apocalypse.  The interstate ground to a halt.  It was pretty pathetic.  Mind you it wasn't sticking just flakes in the sky.  The funny thing is that southerners who have never lived up north have no concept of snow removal and how people deal with having snow on the ground.  They just think life comes to a halt until it melts. 

Yesterday was actually a dead day in the office.  So I headed over to Starbucks to write, before getting my own treatment and seeing my Mom.  After about 160 pages of writing I've put that project down since I had seem to hit a wall.  So I picked up another project I have been carrying around for years.  I don't know what I will do with all this stuff one day, but I do enjoy creating.  It relieves me of stress in a good way.

Today is the opposite.  I'm booked back to back all afternoon which is nice.  Different though.  Hopefully it will become a habit.  Shooting for 4 patients per day for this year.


Anonymous said...

LOL at your comment of the southerners "I guess we just halt until it melts?" comment.   We get an influx of people from all over here, too.  
Creating has all sorts of purposes, stress relief just one of them:)   I wish for you 5-6 patients/work day!  -- Robin

Anonymous said...

LOL, too funny about the snow. They probably all run out to buy groceries, too, like they`ll be snowed in for a week or something.