Wednesday, January 3, 2007


Well I've had a digital camera for over a month now so I figured I should update my pic on here since the old one was about a year and half old.  God I hate taking pics of myself.  Easier to let someone else do it.

Well tackled some of my Mom's stuff today.  We can cash out the insurance policy and leave the rest for when she dies.  That extra money will buy her an extra month where she is.  Now I just need to talk to G at the facility to take her up on her offer of taking $500 off per month so we can make that happen.  I am not looking forward to the 90 minute evaluation tomorrow for her. 

Well I went to get my weekly tune up from my friend today.  Here office is a block away from the beach so if I get there early I can lounge a little near the water and enjoy.  So I included some pics of the Chesapeake Bay from Norfolk.  Also I took a pic of my new welcome sign.  It took a lot of coats of paint to get a nice finish.  I was very happy that it dried fast so that I could glue the letters on before I left last night. 


Anonymous said...

Great!  Now for the shots ;)

Anonymous said...

Nice job on that sign!


Anonymous said...

love the pics; looks so beautiful there and I love the beach! It is warm here in CT (almost 50 degrees which is very warm for January in New England) so I bet it is even warmer on the beach in VA. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

wow..that is a nice sign you made.
Gem :-)