Friday, April 6, 2007

Couldn't Stand it Anymore

Well I held out as long as I could, but then I had to blow.  I forgot it is Good Friday and no school which means very slow business.  So I headed over to Michael's to get some decorations since Easter is Sunday and I want to put up spring time decorations for the next 2 months until July.  Well Fourth of July decorations were easy to find.  Spring time stuff was harder to find.  So I went with these fancy butterflies to hang from the lights.  I need to get some more flowers to put around the place, but I couldn't picture it in my mind so it will be a work in progress. 

Mr. Unreliable never called to get together which is something I was prepared for.  After the first time it happened I made sure NEVER to be waiting by the phone.  So I headed over to Starbucks since I haven't been there in a while.  I tell you I should wear slacks more often cause I was getting the looks today.  The funny one was this woman was on a date with this guy I didn't see if they were married, but she kept looking over at me when he wasn't looking.

So I called L early today since I know Friday's she likes to go to bed early and I think my room mates and myself are going out for dinner tonight.  So I didn't want to leave her hanging.  So we will get together tomorrow evening.  Since I have no idea if I will be staying the day with her Sunday I'll give her her basket when we get home after dinner.  I usually forget my toothbrush in the car so that will be my cue to go get it an surprise her.  It will be interesting to see how she reacts.


Anonymous said...

Yep, Good Friday:)   I love Easter basket surprises!  Wish you'd have someone send you one, also!  Happy Easter, Mike.  Slacks or not, lol.

Anonymous said...

Are you are so out of it...they will have Christmas up soon! HA!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Easter.  Things must be slow in the office - that would drive me crazy!
