Well I got to sleep like 12 hours which was great. I like sleeping in one day a week to recharge my body. Anyway I was informed that I had missed all the snow by the time I got up. So when I hit the road L had left me a message about since the weather was so crappy that we should get together earlier and go to the museum.
I was happy to see her earlier and I really wanted to see the new Spanish exhibit at the art museum. So I grabbed some sandwiches on the way to L's place and we had lunch there which was nice since we hadn't done that before. Then on the way to the museum boy did the snow come down. It was pretty comical. The worse day of the year and it's in the spring.
L was very happy to get a teacher's discount at the mueseum. The exhibit was really great and I got to learn more about L. I was surprised to find out that many of the things I find attractive in L are cultural traits. The big Spanish love for life was evident in many of the pictures. I thought Spain was a very pious country, but L informed me it was the opposite and that the US was way more religious than them. That most everyone was atheist or agnostic there.
I got to show her the statues I really enjoy and we got to see some very impressive pieces by the local high school kids.
I was in the mood for sushi so we went to this place by her. OMG was it good. They had these cool rolls that were delicious. We both waddled out of there and stopped by HK around the block from her house for our nightcap of coffee and tea. The staff is starting to recognize us now.
L was very surprised with the Easter basket although she had no idea what it meant. I told it was an present from the Easter bunny for all good boys and girls. She really liked it and I wish I had a picture of her eyes when she picked up the darkest chocolate I could find. LOL.
I never got the whole easter bunny thing..we didn't have this growing up in UK..Happy Easter to the lovebirds... ;-)
Happy Easter to you and L...have a wonderful day : )
Is THAT what the basket supposedly means? I never told M anything, just that it's Easter, so she gets one, lol. She's always known it's a fun surprise from me, I think. Glad L enjoyed it so:) And, the museum sounds great (even if I'm still not used to the idea of paying to enter one).
sounds like you and L are having a great time.
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