Deciding to look for a part time job and have a new patient cancel yesterday got me down into the dumps. However I had my Monday night men's group. I have run it in a while since I want others to do it and I don't want to be in charge. It's not my group, it's all of ours. Anyway the group does respond better when I run it since I have more experience running it and it flows through it. So I felt nice and energized afterwards.
Then this morning at my Networking meeting I was asked to be part of the membership committee. I was honored since I have only been in the group 2-3 weeks, but they all know how hard I work at it. So it was nice to appreciated.
Then 2 surprised appointments and I'm doing well tonight. Hopefully it will continue. Although I know this is the holiday weekend so NO ONE will come in Friday. :P
Anyway I'm looking forward to seeing Grindhouse tonight and hoping to talk to Shortcake to see how things go. If not my friend has her friend waiting in the wings for me.
There ya go, Mike! :) Flying high again!
hmmm, I'd consider seeing my former chiro. this Friday if it's a slow type of day, except I have to wait until next paycheck. Anyway, good for you!
I love the way you just keep on keepin' on!!
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