Being a little bored last night I strolled from one blog to the other across the Internet sea. I found sites that were weird and bizarre. I found a site dedicated to women's shoes. It was listening to Carrie from Sex and the City. Another was wisdom from a 5 year old with the parents asking the child questions from the audience and then making an entry of it. Their was a whole subculture of blogs dedicated to people who truly HATE online dating. I mean their wasn't just a few there was bunches of them. Their were a few married women who were cheating on their husbands and no one they knew, knew about it except all the people reading the blog because that was what it was all about. I found one even of people's butts and how they look in their clothes. The sea was vast and I only skimmed through most of it. For some reason B&Der's seem to blog a lot since they seemed to have the largest of the sub cultures out there.
Still part time job hunting. I thought I had a real fine today with the Navy hospital wanting a chiropractor, but it was a full time gig. Part of me just wanted to give up and take the full time job, but I have worked so hare especially these last few months and I don't really want to give up. I just want enough money to pay the bills at the moment so I can grow. Anyway I emailed them to see if they were interested in a part time position.
Hi Mike !!!!!!!!
I have been meaning to leave you a note here but here I am. I have to tell you that I was at a place called "Sam's Club" and a guy talked to me when I was walking in the store. I didn't have the courage to ask him for his phone number or to give him mine. We kept seeing eachother throughout the store but not once did I go up and talk to him.
I think that I would be too nervous to try online dating. I am too nervous just talking to a guy for the first time so I am sure online dating would be extremely hard for me. I just don't know why I get nervous around guys. Maybe you could give me some advice.
Take care Mike
When I'm bored I will surf the net and see what I find or play on line games. Good luck at getting that part time job.
oops! I meant that to be smiley
I LOVE surfing the net.
goodluck with the part time job hunting.
Gem :-0
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