Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Well I was going to do this week's Thirteen to celebrate my divorce. Since that didn't happen (see prior entry) I had to change it a little.

Thirteen Things I Don’t Miss About My Ex

1. Waking up to find my lunch gone
2. Anxiety & dread before walking in the door after work
3. Not having someone hog the bed, sheets, and my pillow
4. Worrying that I’ll find her dead one day
5. Endless hours of serial killer shows
6. What will happen if I change my mind on anything
7. All the snide, cutting remarks
8. My shirts all stretched out
9. Doing all the cooking, cleaning, and shopping for a family of 3
10. All the suicidal attempts
11. Money just flying out the window
12. The endless snooze alarms
13. Being attached at the hip


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't miss any of those either!!


Anonymous said...

good luck on your new found freedom.  it feels so much better and not as scary to me as i thought it would be before i finally dumped mine!!! i used your list as a meme for my blog too, ty :D