Saturday, September 1, 2007


When I had my session with Energy Girl the other day, one of the things I wanted to work on were my girl friend relations. She asked who was my role model for a good relationship. She responded by saying, "I can se by your manical laughter you don't have anyone". I have no role models in my life and I never had. Nothing for a man, father, husband, etc. The people in my life have never been the best and I've just muddled my way through it. It's probably why I have many abilities, but lack the ability to visualize. I can imagine, but to actually visualize escapes me. In business it seems to affect me the most in how to steer the business to a distant point when all I can do is a few feet. Relationships are a little easier since I have learned my part. Intergrating with another person can be bumpy, but I think my choices of women are still not the greatest. However I remember what my therapist said when I spearated from my ex. You won't be able to go from her to a healthy relationship. It will take steps.

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