Sunday, October 28, 2007

Hey Pics

I was looking at my salsa teacher's new site and it had pics of last week's class. Here's the one with me in it. You can see the wild women and the pregnant waitress that dances with us. Actually it was her birthday last week.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a pretty cool place....

Anonymous said...

hey Mike! How are you doing??? You are looking GOOD in this pic!!
Sorry I have not been around: I guess I have a lot to catch up on.
Hope all is well with you!

Anonymous said...

SO, are you going to point out the wild women, and the pregnant waitress?

BTW, that's a different sort of hand-holding technique that I've ever done dancing!  lol

Anonymous said...

no, I couldn't see the pregnant dancer..but I see you in the pic and look great!
Gem :-)

Happy halloween!