Monday, February 13, 2006

A Numbing

I was reading my Dilbert desk calendar today and they had a strip on office numbings.  I really wish I could put the strip here (original date 2/16/03).  I remember when we use to have office numbings when I use to run a large office in the Bronx. 

A numbing for those who don't know is that moment a person's brain numbs to the pain at working at a particular job.  I never had a name for it back then.  I would just try to guide people through it.  I would give them the two choices.  Either just numb up or your gonna kill someone.  In the office it was usually around the 6 month period where nice individuals would become stressed out freaks.  I remember one of my associates fought it the longest.  There he was clutching his head yelling how much it hurt.  Like everyone else he entered that happy state when the stress just squeezes some of your brain out your ear.  It looks like guacamoli.

If you never have seen one have your friends call you.  It's an experience.


Anonymous said...

I get my Daily Dose of Dilbert at

I just hit my 6 month milestone.  I'm very numb.  That's why I read journals all day.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being guest editor!!  It's a lot of fun!!


Anonymous said...

That six month milestome happens in marriage too LMAO
Hugs, Marina

Anonymous said...

I think I'm always numb.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Very interesting. I can't say I went through this brain numbing in any of my paying jobs but being a Mom, I'd say it is a weekly occurence. In mild states, if I may add.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the six month mark, sounds about right.  Every job I get I feel like ripping my hair out by then!  Luckily I am self-employed now so the only person that pisses me of is...ME!


Anonymous said...

I know about office numbings - and now that I am home recovering from knee replacement surgery I know all about HOME numbings.....boredom reigns supreme!
Fabulous blog and congrats on being the guest editor!

Anonymous said...

Since I have recently quit my job, I think I feel a case of the numbs coming on. I don't think I will make it to the 6 month mark! I enjoy being home, I am just one of those people that bitches about working~ and then bitches about not working... I'm never satisified with ME!!


Anonymous said...

Your comments are as funny as this entry.  I have to agree about being forced to stay home.  I can bring on the numbings quicker then anything I have ever had to tolerate.  Pennie

Anonymous said...

Yep it happened to me so I changed jobs!! lol......... never knew it was called that!!! Makes sense!!