Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Say a Prayer Part II

Still reflecting on this.  I guess I can relate.  I've been in a long standing abusive relationship.  Grateful to have the wits to stop the physical abuse as soon as it started and hold firm with it.  However emotional and verbal abuse abounded.  It always starts small and slowly grows.  To pick a person that will do this means you are already pretty low yourself as I was. 

As I got my wits about myself friends would always tell me to get out and that I deserved better.  My answer was that the minute I believe I deserve better I will be out of this relationship, but not a second before.  We are loved as much as we love ourselves.  If we think we are crap then if we are treated like that it makes sense to our warped world. 

On a side note.  SOmeone had left a comment in my other journal that I must have the most dysfunctional family on the face of the earth.  God bless him if he believes that.  Grateful that the horrors of the world have not touched him.  LMAO though.  I have known many people over the years that make my family life look like the Brady Bunch.


Anonymous said...

I've not been in an abusive relationship, but I can understand how over time it would be easy to start believing the lies told to a person by their abuser and find it hard to leave.

I also truly believe everyone's family is dysfunctional in some way


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got out of that abusive relationship! Thats never good or fun or easy.  You are in a much better place now, don't you agree?  I hope you do!
Love, Linda

Anonymous said...

Only one word... AMEN!

Anonymous said...

No one deserves to be abused no matter how they feel about themselves!!!!