I had to steal this from Jenny over at Heart Whispers. It was such an awesome pic. I want to blow it up and put it on my desktop as wallpaper.
A few days ago I look at horror at my site counter and it was at 1. My counter was a testament to all the work I do on this journal. I WAS ROBBED! I think I may need to go postal on top of the AOL HQ. My demands I want my count back. Anyway for now there is no more counter. To much sorrow to see it back at 1.
My second pissed off thing is that my antenna topper is gone. I was walking out of the mall today and I usually use it to pick my car out really fast, but I also really liked it. So did many other people. It wasn't expensive, but it is just the thought that it is gone. In reality I bet the car wash ripped it off Friday so no one has to die on this one.
What kind of topper did you have???
I love that darn cat graphic, makes me giggle every single time!
What kind of Topper did you have?
LOL About the picture. Some days I feel like just posting that as an entry : )
My counter reset months ago, I did the same thing and took it down. At one point they claimed they had this fixed, but they say that about everything. I'm beginning to think they really do enjoy pissing off their customers.
I'd like to find the head guy's office and dumb all this snow on his desk. GRRRR
~ Jenny
My money's on the carwash.
It's still a bummer though;0)
Hi Mike! Congratulations on being chosen "Editor of the Week." You certainly deserve it! Great writing and especially great animation. Not long ago, (maybe longer than that) I worked in an animation store, selling animation art, so I can tell you that yours is truly great. You have my condolences on losing your numbers. I lost my "All About Me" column some time ago and never got it back. I've notified everyone except George W. but to no avail. It's so good to know that there is someone like you still plugging away on your great journal. Love, Nancy
I hate when that happens ! I got tired of it and added a counter from another site!
I was over 20,000 hits and as of today i am back at 5.
THAT sucks.
My counter reset, also. I heard a rumor that "Magic Joe" was giving direction on how to get it back...I have been too lazy to go check it out...Hope it's true! JAE
love the graphic; my counter reset itself too. I just deleted it; figured they would just mess around with it whenever it got to a high number again.
Hey Mike,
I just hate when that happens with the counters! I'm an old J lander from waaay back but took almost 2 years off and have just returned. Even my little counter on my new journal with my first 50 or so hits went back to only 1 today. I just turned it off for now. Magic Smoke does have something about resetting it if you're interested. Anyway, congrats on being "chosen one." Oh and sorry about the antenna topper too!
Martha ~
Mike, I don't think your the only one that is having to deal with your counter going back to 1. Mine did the same thing, and it was about to hit 9,000. I refuse to go back and start at one, and I've tried putting another counter on, but I can't quite get the hang of how to do it. So, for now, I am counter less.
That cat is quite scary, Mike. He reminds me of those kids that go all postal and kill other kids. :(
I do love this pic also, it's so funny. I'm sorry about your counter, that sucks.
What is the deal with aol and the hit counter........ I removed mine to b/c it went back to 1.... that totally sucks!!! What is the deal AOL?????????
Great funny pic ... thats one ticked off angry cat ! So.... your counter got reset, too? Mine has done this three times. I finally tossed the thing, because I got so frustrated by it. Oh, well.... go figure. Tina
Mine was at a thousand and went to 3. I finally pulled it off. -Dawn-
Hey Mike,
I'm in Virginia Beach too. I never understood why the counter resets, but I learned how to fix it when it does that. It's not hard, just annoying that I have to take time out to do it.
Lady K
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