I really hate it when the weekend weather is bad. I like to enjoy the great outdoors on the weekend to relax. However it isn't a blizzard like up north so I have something to be grateful for.
You can always tell who is a native and who isn't in the area by the snow. We had a few sun snow flakes the other day. Something that was very pretty and totally unmeasurable. The natives went into a panic that there was actually snow. It's like Chicken Little. "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" In the building where I work they have this monster snow blowing machine. I don't think if you added up our total snow fall for 5 years we would need this machine.
Well I could pack some, but I am just not in the mood. Maybe tomorrow. So it is off to the bookstore to find some books to read. That is the only problem with being a voracious reader is the constant search for things to read. I also have to admit I am a picky reader which doesn't help. Well let me get out of here before I have to go to job # 2 tonight.
I love to play golf but I don't like cold weather!!!! Can't wait til spring!! Have fun at the book store!!! http://journals.aol.com/shayshaydc/Golfaholic
Snow? Bring it on! I live in South East Pa and it has been more like Seattle here lately! We be getting a foot of it overnight YAY!!!!!
Hey, my Doc says I don't have an arch in my neck, like what's up with that? He acted like it was no big deal. See, I told you I would harass you, never mention that you are a chriopractor in the presence of a woman!
hope you find some good books to read, but won't that make more to pack down the road? We can tell who the natives are here in Montana when it snows; they are the ones going 35 miles per hour in a 25 mile zone not blinking their eyes through ice and snow.
If I am getting near the end of a book, I MUST have another one lined up!
Otherwise I get pretty edgy!
so I like nice weather too yep especially on the weekends. We got a little snow Saturday in IL. but it's cold outside. Yuck. We have had a mild winter. What kind of books do you like to read?
Everyone was scrambling around Delaware today as if the world was going to end. We are expecting 12 inches of snow according to the last news report.
I could spend days in a Barnes and Nobloe going through books, but I find some great deals at discount places too. I love old books!!
~ Jenny
2 jobs and you still find time to read?
That is amazing. The only thing I have been reading lately is e-mail LOL
We are having a snow storm here in NY it started tonight and will probably keep snowing till Monday. BRRRRRRRRR it's cold winter has finally come to NY
Hugs, Marina
lol...yeah, you know you're from VA if you freak out when they call for snow. The stores run out of bread and milk the day they say it might snow next week.
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