Tuesday, February 14, 2006

What Does She Want?

I found this article out there as I go through all my daily stuff.  From what I hear out there all the journals sounds different from this.

What Women Want: S-E-X!
Source: nydailynews.com

What does she really want for Valentine's Day?

A new poll says men should skip the flowers and chocolate and move straight to the bedroom.

More than 52% of American women said they wanted to have sex on the most romantic day of the year, a result that may have pleased the condom company that sponsored the survey.

Hanky-panky beat out the 45% looking for a greeting card, 41% hoping for flowers and a surprisingly low 30% counting on chocolates.

Only 27% of women were angling for jewelry and one in 10 held out for sexy lingerie.

The craving for some Valentine's Day action was highest among younger women, with 76% of those 18 to 34 saying they wanted sex, compared with just 24% of those older than 55, according to the poll.

Meanwhile, an online poll conducted by Jane magazine found only 31% of women take Valentine's Day seriously, and 54% say they couldn't care less if they get a present.


Anonymous said...

Which by the way, I think this poll was rigged~
If we have a choice, I'd pick skip the whole holiday but if we have to have it, bring on the jewelry. Chocolate is calories <not that I really care about that> flowers die, and well, the bedroom is there every single night :o)

Anonymous said...

Women need a reason to have sex.  Men need a place.

Anonymous said...

Can't I have jewelry and sex? LOL
Hugs, Marina

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping for a box of chocolate myself


Anonymous said...

Wow! Women are so superficial and horny. LOL. Where did you get these statistics? I think a man did the study and embellished the outcome.

Anonymous said...

Bunch of hogwash I tell you.  The only time I want sex is when it's not with my husband, so there!


Anonymous said...

Call me out of the norm with the comments below...but I would prefer it! What a better way to connect with someone you love. Yes, also to get some sexual satisfaction. Hey, I am human and it is only human nature to want to have sex. On the flipside, ask me that question 1 year ago? I would have settled for chocolate or hell make that an Appltini double!!!!! I was going through a divorce and was the anti-cupid and had the love suck's attitude. Now, totally different. I want it all the time. Though my new found sweetie lives 65 miles from me it is impossible to have sex tonight. Bummer! I guess there is always phone or cyber sex! OK Be right back gotta make a call.


ps...my blog is sooo boring! I have a great profile though....LOL ;)

Anonymous said...

I think everyone should be like this all year round.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting survey!!!! http://journals.aol.com/shayshaydc/Golfaholic

Anonymous said...

Did they say or ask "Lustful Sex" or to "Make Love" that would be interesting to ask both ways & see what they pick. Maybe put a "both" in there too!