Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Good Reminder

I remember talking to a friend of mine that is also in private practice.  She asked me what the biggest problem was for growing the practice.  I told it was me.  That point war reminded to me yesterday after setting up the lectures at the local elementary school.  I've done some envelope pushing stuff with my practice over last 2 years with marketing.  It is always that stuff that will make the business grow.  However for me to do that I have to step out of my comfort zone and take a leap of faith.  They all don't work out, but that is never the point.  The point is me increasing the size of my comfort zone. 

I got screwed out of $5 today.  I went to Chik Fil A and the cashier forgot to give me my change back.  So I brought it up and the manager was let me just count the drawer and we will take care of you.  They count the draw and she is $20 under already.  So they take my name and number and will call me when they are able to do a complete check.  I'm not holding my breath.


Anonymous said...

That is my biggest problem..  Moving my butt OUT of my comfort zone!  So hard to do!

I wouldn't hold my breath either about getting my change back.  They really should have given it to you then and there, being as she was already under in her drawer.  Your change probably went to others that didn't deserve it!


Anonymous said...

hopefully you can get your 5 dollars back. My dad had a successful dollar store type of business at one time. He used to hand out fliers. He would say if he handed out 1000 of them and got one customer that was ok. It must have worked. Because that one customer brought it others.