Got to remember to bring my gym bag in the house now. If I don't I'm forgetting stuff when I get to the gym. Home life is nice. It is good to talk to people at night. Although I am back to my old nemesis of boredom. Since I work a lot at night it is hard to schedule any regular activity and when I have time off I am looking around like what to do. Something to work on.
Got to hang out with my Mom this morning in rehab and see what they are doing with her. Also to see what I can do to help out when she is back in the memory unit since I know she won't remember. My Mom's nails needed to be done so we did that today. My brother and family sent her some clothes stuff. Also some funky slippers that my Mom really liked. She is attracted to very colorful stuff and boy were these colorful.
I hate it when it is slow in the office. Always scares me with money. Well this is the end of the summer holiday and it all started July first so hopefully things will change around next week.
I have some really bright pink fuzzy slippers that I wear all the time. People laugh at me, but I don't crare!!
Hi Mike !!!!!!
Here's a thought : When you have some time off you should pamper yourself and do something new....Something you have never done before. Maybe you might take a drive somewhere to like a store you have NEVER been to. Maybe you try and go to a new bookstore. You never know what's just around the bend. You deserve to pamper yourself once in a while. Your a great person so no one would disagree with that.
Your loved here at J-Land.......Of course I'm a big fan as you can tell by my many many many many visits to your journal. So you have a friend in me. I'll be waiting to see what you will share with me and the rest of us here at J-Land. Take care Mike.
I'll be back !!!!!!!!
How much can you save if you moved out of your current office completely, Mike? And are there other chiropactic offices where you could share the space, the rent, and receptionists (this last being on a strictly business basis of course..(smile))? Just curious. ---angel
Got your message about the office. Sorry I asked! ---angel
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