One of the successes I've had with self improvement is that I have been willing to do anything to achieve that goal. So I see myself leaping and bounding forward, but not so with business. So when I look closer and ask myself honestly "What am I willing to Do?" I know the answer is not anything. There are certain challenges that I am not willing to face. The usual defects are the answers and I have wrestled with this the last few days. Trying to spread my self improvement techniques to all parts of my life.
So this morning I pushed the envelope in this area. While waiting for my shrink his office staff was talking about massages and then it turned to chiropractic. One of the staff said she just went to one of the guys down the street. She felt very rushed in and out and she was going to complain the next time she went. So I pondered for a while on what to do. The usual feelings of being foolish for butting in, less than, and all that crap. However I know I do a good service and it has worth so I handed one the lady my card and told her if she still wasn't happy with him she could come see me. She thanked me and they were quite after that.
Another step forward in active marketing which is something I am weak at. Great at the passive stuff.
It seemed appropriate, why not?! :) You didn't say to not go to him again, just offered her an alternative, if she remained unhappy! But, yeah, I'd struggle with that, too, if I had to market myself. It's not my strong suit. - Robin
Yah....I think thats cool....women love a rescue even if its not personal
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