Tuesday, October 24, 2006


"I've been working out.  I was a size 40 ... now I am size 42.  I'm huge." ~ Bania

One of the constants in my life is the inability to gain weight.  As my friends know I eat all day long, but my weight always stays the same or drops.  For most of my adult life I have been 140.  Since I got separated I jumped to 150.  Now since I've been working out I looked at the scale and it's 160.  WTF?  I was looking all over for fat, but there isn't any.  So I am taking it's muscle weight, but this just turns my world upside down.  A bunch of my shirts are now small in the arms.  So are the shrinking?  I know I have had them all for a dog's age. 

Well in a little over a month I will be 40 which I don't really mind.  What I really mind is that in 10 years I'll be 50.  How the hell did that happen?  I feel like Meg Ryan in "When Harry Met Sally".  Well I guess I have 10 years to get use to it.  LOL.


Anonymous said...

Hey...love the muscle gain..you can eat more food...lol

Anonymous said...

Muscle weighs more than fat!!  Keep in mind that most women want a man that weighs more than she does.  I bet you look good!!


Anonymous said...

don't panic Mike ( you and this over thinking everything!!!)...it MUST be muscle.
and don't panic about turning 40; I just turned 41. It is not so bad.