Thursday, November 23, 2006


It rained on us today at valet, but at least it had slowed down a lot.  The weather caused many not to come so their was a ton of food left over.  I could have fed an entire family if I wanted to, but I just grabbed some lunch for tomorrow and some canolis for the nurses by my Mom's. 

Wednesday is the day.  The day the craziness starts.  The holiday parties start.  The money hopefully will be good, but I'm not looking forward to the achiness from all the running.

Well at the last minute Thanksgiving changed.  Went I got home Mal was there with her boyfriend cooking dinner.  So I guessed we weren't going out.  From the time it took me to go upstairs and change to dry close several people had cancelled and it was just the four of us with Herman our landlord.  Mal is Portuguese so it was more seafood theme to everything.  I come from a very non traditional family so food is food to me.  Herman rode me as usual with me not drinking.  I think I might have found out why many younger women are attracted to me.  Mal who is 28 thought I was 28 as did a 39 year old at work.  I don't mind the complement, but I want to attract from a older crowd that is closer to my age.

Anyway I don't have the hook up at the house so I will have to put up pictures tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, you had a "home cooked" Thanksgiving dinner. Glad to hear it. I am looking forward to seeing some pictures. Regards, Bill.