As some of you know I live in a big house with 3 other people. Pete on of my room mates been having some back pain lately. I offered Saturday if he wanted to come in to the office I would see him. He said he would try some Advil. No biggie it's his pain. Tonight while I was eating dinner he came home and said he had a pinched sciatic nerve. I asked did he have a MRI. He stated that he went to a chiropractor today and that is what he was told. We talked a little about it. Like usual I don't like to admit when I am in pain. Not good so I am stopping myself now to admit it. I'm in some pain now. I feel betrayed in a way. I don't know Pete very well and of everyone in the house I know him the least. I've had family members of some of my patients go to other chiropractors and I feel like hitting my patient's upside the head, but this is different. I guess since we live under the same roof that feeling of family is there. Well I am bummed about it and the wind has been taken from my sails for the moment.
My rant for the day is checks. I hate writing them because some one is always holding onto one and I hate balancing my check book. So the big check I wrote for my Mom's cremation stuff finally cleared. Yeah it was great to see this huge sucking of money out of the account that should have been done weeks ago. I know I should do better with my check book.
Well I was able to finish all my holiday marketing stuff today. All cards are made out and signed, newsletter finished, and December marketing mailing is done. Boy I hate doing so much paperwork at once.
Mike, I can see how that would have hurt your feelings and made you feel a bit betrayed when you offered your services to your roommate and he opted to go somewhere else. But.. maybe he just felt it was better to not cross friendship with something on a professional basis. Maybe he really didn't mean it as a personal jab at you or your skills as a chiropractor.
I'm a fanatic about balancing my checkbook to the point of ad nauseum! lol
Oh, I know that feeling. All I can say is that when I've been in these situations, I usually find out down the road that there is an explanation that makes sense, but not something that would have occurred to me at the time. Anyway, try not to take it too personally. Hard not to, I know, but I am betting that you will hear something sooner or later that will explain things. Tina
I cant balance a check book to save my life...Its like chronic memory lapses of "when" humpty dumpty is going to all fall down with an overdrawn bank, to hear one roommate is off in his own world....some people are just like that.....Why are you in pain?....physical pain? -Raven
I think your roomate just didn't want to bother you..he probably felt that you would not want to charge him or something.. I wouldn't go to anyone i know as a friend for anything personal..just a thought...
Pete sure was a butthead if you ask me.....he went to another chiropractor and there you sit....and you are one too. I would be hurt too.
Pete might feel that since he knows you he doesn't want to impose or he just doesn't want anyone knowing his business. I've been dealing with sciatica. It is a very painful experience. Regards, Bill.
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