Sunday, February 25, 2007

Here, There, & Everywhere

I'm starting to shy away from phone calls with April.  The warmth that she gives off in person is just not there on the phone.  We talked Friday while I was up in NY.  She does get back to me when I ask her to, but it usually is in a day or so.  She finally was able to get time off and was heading off skiing for the weekend. 

However I know myself.  I'm just running for the safety of a trench in warfare.  This area of uncomfortability bothers me.  I'm not a big fan of it in any circumstance, but in relationships it bothers me more.  I know it's a childish reflex, but I get off the phone I feel like running in circles making weird noises. 

I did have to slap myself and say that we have only been going out a week.  Reality check.  Where do I expect it to be or feel like?  So with those words said I calmed down.  Still not liking it, but in a better place.  So I'll give her a call tomorrow and she when we can get together this week. 

I picked up shot glass from the Air & Space museum since she collects them.  They didn't have any shot glasses at the Children's museum which was weird. ;)


Anonymous said...

some people are not phone people; I can talk on the phone for hours and my husband (who can be quite the talker!) will barely stay on for a few minutes with someone. he hates the phone!  and maybe April doesn't like it either.
Have a good week!

Anonymous said...

You just made me laugh with the running around making weird noises after you get off the phone.. I told you were weird ....  ;-)..seriously some people are just not phone people..I wouldn't stress over it..are you sure it's only been a week? seems longer..anyway I would just relax..go with the flow..see how she is this week.. glad you had a good visit with Eric..

Anonymous said...

LOL, well, perhaps medicine shots ?!  ;)   Gosh, only 1 week.......   still sounding good so far, both of you with your own life and interests, but, interacting while you can:)  I like it.  -- Robin

Anonymous said...

Hello Mike,

I think that April does like you. Don't worry Mike who couldn't like you ? Your a terrific guy with lots of charm, humor, intelligence and a really great personality and your a wonderful friend. I ask once again who couldn't like you ? Who indeed ? You have me as a friend as well as many others here at J-land. I'm sure April finds you as wonderful as we do. If she doesn't like you then she must be crazy. Your great Mike so don't worry. I'm still in your cheering section so you definitely have me in your corner. Take care Mike.