Friday, March 23, 2007


Hopefully I rid myself of the virus last night.  I awoke enough times in a pool of sweat last night to hope so.  I'll be doing laundry most of the evening.  Hunger was a good sign this morning since I haven't felt it in days even though I knew when to eat.  What I am today is sore.  I haven't stretched in days and I feel it today. 

I love business.  Last week was the second busiest I ever had and this week is very slow.  Next week so far doesn't look any better.  So my health fair tomorrow is at a good time.  What I need to let go of is looking at it like a drowning man looks at a life preserver.  Just do my normal thing and educate a bunch of people and see what happens. 

Looking forward to seeing L tomorrow.  It's not suppose to be a nice as it is today, but still nice.  So I'm thinking a boardwalk stroll and maybe another play.  Truly I don't care what we do I just enjoy my time with her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And, that, is the best, just being with each other:)   Glad your health is improving, and that your super busy week was LAST week.  -- Robin