Taking a break from digging myself out of all this paperwork. Most of it is my Mom's, but some of it is mine. It's just that the pile is getting hard to hide behind my desk so I needed to tackle it. I did find my Mom's homeowner's insurance which reminded me I still needed to cancel it. So why I am going through it all I figured I organize my stuff to make it look nicer and be more accessible.
I know things are going better with L since I am thinking about her often today. More though than I did with April so at least I know my decision was a good one. Also I'm excited about seeing her again Thursday. Since L is very straight forward which I love I know she likes me so that hurdle was easy. Now is the work to enjoy it and to let go any fear of messing something up.
Today being Monday I gave my Mom's teeth and partials a good clean. She cleans them during the week with or without help I am not quite sure, but a thorough scrubbing is needed. I am surprised the lighter nail polish last longer than the darker. Knowing my SIL she probably bought a high priced one.
Well let me get back to this paperwork. It's just about gone and I can see parts of my desk and floor.
The higher-priced polishes do sometimes have higher quality (and sometimes, lighter colors don't look as chipped as early).
Ugh, the paperwork! And, happy to hear that you think of L often:) You had missed April at one point, so this sounds even better! Always good to feel good about ones decisions. -- Robin
I really think I need to start reading my alerts in the opposite order; you are confusing me. Who is L??????????? guess I better get reading!!
Have a good week.
Are you putting nail polish on your mom's teeth? lol That's what it sounded like, as you went right from cleaning her teeth to the nail polish lasting longer..lol
Glad things are going well with "L".. Hope it continues as I read on!
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