Saturday, May 12, 2007

I Knew Something was Up

We'll I called L last night then this morning to see about today.  I usually hear back from her, but I was still anxious from last weekend.  I kinda felt like she was pulling away then.  Then the Thursday cancellation and not certain about Saturday.  So when I found her email this morning saying, "I need to take a break and gain some perspective and distance on things. Once I reflect and sort out thoughts I'll contact you."  I wasn't surprised.  Talking to my friend he asked how I was doing and to be truthful I feel better knowing where I stand.  I feel sad, but for the last 18 hours I knew something was up, but not what and that drives me crazy.  Some may say that she may contact me again, but I doubt it.  If you can't verbally say it to me it's over. 


Anonymous said...

When did you see this turn around? I think she should tell you & certainly not through email. That is a wimps way.

Anonymous said...

I felt that too, Mike.. just from the little you have revealed.  I am so sorry, but, I have to agree with you.. she is doing the shitty ass Dear John thing.  Doesn't want to deal with you to your face, so she writes you an email.  That is just wrong.  When you wrote about how she was still involved with Match. com.. well.. my radar went up FOR you...

Big hugs Mike... and I am sorry, but glad she didn't leave you hanging.  Go with your instinct.. it's usually right on.


Anonymous said...

I agree if you don't respect me enough to break up in person then that speaks volumes...Well if you lived near me I would invite you over to the house....We could hang out watch the kids jump on the trampoline...feed the ducks in the front yard.......etc....the hubby and I love these simple things...we would let you be sad...
Donna In TEXAS