Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Morning

Well I got up early to help the 3 year old boy in the house celebrate Christmas.  It's his first with his parents separated.  So we worked hard to make it a special one.  It is special event to watch a small child rip into the presents.  Overwhelmed by the colors, lights, and toys.  I was grateful to be part of it.  Since I could not be with my son this holiday I grateful to bring happiness to another boy's heart.

Well I just came up to my tree to open my presents from Santa.  Some are still in the mail, but I opened the ones I had.  Stealing a line from Tony Soprano, "I thought my head was going to explode."  Sometimes the feelings are just painful.  I am waiting till 11 to call my son and wish him a Merry Christmas.  Also to make sure he knows why I don't see him on this holiday.  Can't leave that up to my ex.  I don't want him to even consider I don't care and I know if there are any blanks it will be filled with these negative thoughts.

Well so far my withdrawal symptoms seem a lot less this morning, but hey the day is young.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Mike .... this has to be tough for you.  I'm hoping that you managed to have a nice day in spite of the circumstances.  Bless you, Tina

Anonymous said...


So sorry about your circumstances.  I cannot begin to imagine, nor do I want to.  My family is the reason I choose to go on breathing.  I pray you had a nice day in spite of your circumstances.  Thanks so much for visiting my journal and I have asked Hubby to put in the motion detectors.  We also have lights that go all around the house, so I have been leaving them on at night since the peeper has been around a few times that I know of.  I told my Hubby I thought the motion detectors would be better, then they would not have to burn all the time for nothing.  My son has a journal called Insanities of a Misunderstood mind.  His wife left him after she miscarried their first child.  It has been a painful two years, both for him and us, as we loved our Jess very much.  She broke all of our hearts, but especially his.

Love and prayers,