Saturday, December 24, 2005

Day 2 or is 3

Well it is day 2, actually day 3, but since withdrawal symptoms started yesterday it is day 2 to me.  Yes in an effort to try to make ends meet each month I am seeing if I can do without my anti depressent.  Well all I can think of is Jerry Lewis in the Nutty Professor.  When he is having withdrawal from his drug.  That is the way  feel.  Can't really move my head fast.  The sloshing of my brain just doesn't feel good.  IT is a good weekend for it since I don't have to work.  I'm monitoring how I am doing and so far so good.  My doctor said I would have a headache, but my brain being sore is not a headache.  So hopefully by Monday this will have all passed. 

So this holiday weekend I am enjoying no work, by relaxing and watching movies.  I went to see the new King Kong today and I was very impressed.  Also used my gift certificate for Panera Bread.  It was okay, but unless I have a gift certificate I'm not paying $7 for a sandwich that has a fancy name and less on it than a normal deli.  S tonight I think will be either a night of painting or writing.  I'm feeling creative in all this pain or maybe it's just another side effect.  Well Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!

Sorry I'm a bit late;0)
Next year?
