Wednesday, March 1, 2006


"If you have children, love them well.  They have no one to love them but you; and the love you fail to give them is the love they will have to spend the rest of their lives attempting to recover." ~ Kingma

Man I was reading one of my daily readers and this was such a powerful statement and I related to it so much that I had to share.


Anonymous said...

"the love you fail to give them is the love they will have to spend the rest of their lives attempting to recover"

So true : (  Nothing ever fills that hole.
Thank you for sharing this.
~ Jenny

Anonymous said...

so, so, so true

and love them unconditionally; even if you hate what they are doing; talk about hating that but not them


Anonymous said...

omg that is so true. I have three kids tha are the love of my life.  

Anonymous said...

Amen to that!  Very true!
