Well let us see if third time is the charm.
Finally saw my book keeper to have my taxes done. One thing that I can't believe I did make some money this year. It wasn't much, but where did it go? If I think about it it is the double life that I have. Business and personal. Doubles a lot of my bills.
Reading one of my daily readers today and the topic is independence. It made me think back. When I was in my twenties I though I could stop my aging process by pure will alone. Hey I was nuts. LOL. However it follows how I grew up. I self taught myself most things in life. Blowing my nose, bike riding, playing guitar, etc. My thought process was that if I didn't take care of it I was dead. However it does lead to a isolated lifestyle. It is pretty lonely in God's chair. In the last few years I have been breaking out of this habit by asking for and accepting help. In times of stress and pain I can still drop back to old habits. In the pass few days I have been increasing my marketing knowledge since it is my weakest link in my business persona. One of the things that has come up many times is to ask my patients many things that can help the business. It's a sticking point I am having. I feel I am coming from a point of weakness in asking for information to help. I know it's a big fat lie, but it's still a rough hurdle to get over.
I would like to thank everyone for their comments in my Staying the Course entry. I know I can be a black & white thinker. Your comments reminded me that their is middle ground between being in date mode and being the grinch in the corner.
I'm happy that you made a little money this year. Yeah. I was nuts as a kid and probably still am. lol.
Income tax money? What's that? We didn't get sh*t back either this year so don't feel bad. we got it and it flew right out the darn window that fast too. Besides the state taking $1,000, we got screwed this year. I feel for ya!
Patience? what is patience? Oh wait... it is something I just don't have atm, or haven't had since I had my own kids, LOL
Thanks for stopping by my J, and sorry I have not been in here. I have been so slacking on J's for the past month and a 1/2. surgeries did me in for awhile and than I slacked =( I am making it an issue to do again =)
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