Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Mom and Dreams

I have to admit for most of the night I thought my Mom was dead.  I had a dream that she came in the room and stood next to the bed.  It reminded me of a dream my Dad had when his Aunt Sadie died and he saw her in a dream that night she died. So I said goodbye to my Mom and rolled back over to deep sleep.  I wondered if there would be a message on my cell in the morning.  Since it doesn't work at the house I would know till I drove out of the neighborhood.  Their was no message this morning so I take it she is okay.  I'll see her later on then.


Anonymous said...

I hate dream/thoughts like that! My kids tell me I am not allowed to have them!
My cell never works in my house either! drives me batty!

make it a great day!


Anonymous said...

Wow.   Okay, guess she's okay, but that is a bit bizarre! Maybe she wasn't feeling well or something.

Anonymous said...

that's a scary dream. I'm happy there was no message.