Thursday, March 2, 2006

My Guide Rule

When I was growing up my Dad was pretty much my guide rule.  I didn't like most thing's he did so I didn't do them.  He smoked I don't smoke, he drank I don't, he use to get yell and get very angry and I didn't do that.  I think 2 out of three were okay, but on the last has caused problems through my life.  Stuffing the anger doesn't work as I have found out thirty years later.  I use to think it was great that I didn't get angry.  That we never argued in my marriage.  LOL. Boy was I wrong.  I know when I feel angry now I am usually feeling helpless in some area.  However it is still real easy to suppress the feelings still.  So I have to always be vigilant of how I am feeling which I know is a sign of emotional maturity.  The funny thing is once I know how I feel it is pretty easy to go from there.  That first step can still be tricky sometimes.


Anonymous said...

I;m not real thrilled with confrotations..I had a very controlling dad and we werent allowed to have a opionion so I learned to stuff..
donna In TExas

Anonymous said...

I love your gif ... now that is really stuffing the emotions.  LOL   I enjoyed this entry.  It is a good lesson to be read!  Pennie

Anonymous said...

It is good to let out your emotions but I think the angry emotions need to be controlled!!

Anonymous said...

yep the first step can be very hard. Growing up is hard.